By Luca Marzo on 2021-05-01 17:56 in Board of Directors

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting

Date: April 22, 2021
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes


Brian Mitchell (President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Radek Suski (Treasurer), Marco Dings (Director), David Opati Aswani (Director), Hugh Douglas-Smith (Director), Jaz Parkyn (Director), Wilco Alsemgeest (Director).


Justine Ayebale Abunyanga (Vice President), Marianela Queme (Director).


Luca Marzo served as proxy for Justine Ayebale Abunyanga.

Discussion outline


  • Radek shared the bank balances as of today.

  • Radek is unable to reach the US Embassy at this time to sort out the paperwork for completing the bank onboarding, due to the Embassy working in emergency/smart working mode.

  • Radek needs the support of Brian to check the latest outstanding invoices.

Production Department

  • Google is looking to introduce Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) as an “alternative” / complement to cookies. The Production Department is looking into a way to support this feature but have it disabled by default for a release of Joomla! 3.9.27

  • The Production Department is working on scheduling the Release Candidate on Joomla 4.0.

  • Consult the upcoming minutes of the Production Department on details of release blockers.

Legal & Finance Department

  • Hugh is working with the legal counsel.

  • Hugh highlighted that many Board Members did not provide the quarterly reports in a timely manner.

Events Department

  • We would like to invite Luca Marzo to the next Events Department Meeting, he has done some very successful Italian webinars every Friday about Joomla 4 and we would like to hear from him what we can learn and apply.

  • Events Department Meeting held on April 10th 2021, and the report has been published.

  • JoomlaDay USA is going live today from 4pm EDT 20:00 UTC, all the six tickets to OSM have been claimed and a booth with instructions already set up.

Operations Department

  • Department meeting was held on April 19th, 2021. The report will be published shortly on the JVP.

  • All mentioned / known websites are now running with Let's Encrypt a request was raised within the Webmasters to make sure we didn't miss one which was known.
    A new VPN system has been deployed by Harald to replace the older one, which was outdated and could only support 2 people.

  • Implementing the Permission-Policy header to define the default privacy first interest-cohort is being discussed. 

Programs Department

  • No major updates

  • Quarterly report has been submitted to the Secretary for publishing.

Vice President

  • Justine reported about the situation with the coaching project, in which the vendor decided to not proceed. 


  • [Elections] The election of the Marketing & Communications Department Coordinator replacement has failed with the majority of votes for “None of the above” option. A new call has been published to seek for manifestos. 

  • [Advisory Board] The Call for nomination for the Advisory Board has been published at

  • [Coaching] Luca has been informed by the coaching vendor that they decided to not go ahead with us based on the email exchange they were copied on. According to their opinion we looked too weak and slow in defining the next steps. They offered their availability once the coaching/communication project would be a priority for us.

  • [Election Policies] In order to fix some of the rules that we already apply to the election process, Luca proposed some motions.


  • Federal tax filings are complete for FY 2019-2020. Char500 for NYS is pending submission.

  • We are two months out from the end of Fiscal Year 2020-2021. We need to have our FY 2021-2022 ready before July 1.

Other business

Motions taken during this meeting

#2021/031 - All the Election Ballots shall provide the voters the options to abstain and to vote for none of the candidates. This motion applies to elections for Working Group Leaders, Team Leaders, Department Coordinators and Officers.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski.
The motion passed with unanimous consent and one abstention. Hugh Douglas-Smith abstained.

#2021/032 - All the Election Ballots shall be open for 7 days. This motion applies to elections for Working Group Leaders, Team Leaders, Department Coordinators and Officers.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

#2021/033 - Working Group Leader and Team Leader Elections shall be conducted through an anonymous voting system.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

#2021/034 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Hugh Douglas-Smith.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Motions taken offline before this meeting

#2021/030 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Hugh Douglas-Smith.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.