By Luca Marzo on 2021-09-04 13:34 in Board of Directors

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting

Date: August 26, 2021
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting:  1 hour 5 minutes


Robert Deutz (President), Justine Ayebale Abunyanga (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Radek Suski (Treasurer), Marco Dings (Director), David Opati Aswani (Director), Hugh Douglas-Smith (Director), Wilco Alsemgeest (Director), Philip Walton (Director).


Jaz Parkyn (Director).


Hugh Douglas-Smith served as proxy for Jaz Parkyn.

Discussion outline


  • Radek shared the bank balances as of today:

    • Business Checking 1:  $ 10,070.18

    • Business Checking 2:  $ 3,209.50

    • Money Market:  $ 370,758.50

    • PayPal:  $ 1,426.75

  • Radek had an alignment meeting with Karen (the Bookkeeper).

Production Department

  • Joomla 4 and Joomla 3.10 released.

  • Minor releases followed to fix issues detected by the community at large.

Legal & Finance Department

  • Update from Venables was posted to the Glip channel regarding the AA case. Few have commented. Robert requested to give the AA law firm a call or write them an email stating the facts. This might be a way to get this issue closed. Hugh offered to get in contact with them. The board agreed to try it this way.

Marketing & Communications Department

  • Joomla 4 Stable article published and translations added.

  • Newsletter sent.

  • Joomla 4 video finished and released, currently having translation captions added.

  • Another Press release about Joomla 4 sent

  • 2 Birthday videos released

  • Australia, India, UK and possibly USA hosting events on the day with speakers and demos

  • Meeting earlier today in Marketing to go through the campaign so far.

  • We propose this represents the baseline for future minor releases.

Events Department

  • CMS Africa Summit is this September 15th to 17th - Joomla will be listed as the Tech sponsor. 

  • JUG organizers reachout almost complete, with just a few JUGs yet to be contacted. 

  • Migration to DP Calender still on-going.

  • VP Justine Ayebale spoke at the Developers for Africa Event on 18th and 19th August.

Operations Department

  •  No major updates.

Programs Department

  • No major updates. 

Vice President

  • Justine attended the DFA event and is writing an article about that.

  • Focusing on her local JUG.


  • [Reporting] Missing the budget files and blog post for FY 2021/22. Historically this has been produced by the President and the Treasurer.

  • [Revenue] Google AdSense payment processed for USD 1211,94 on Aug 21, 2021.

  • [Elections] Vice President elections are ongoing until August 30, 2021 with Nicola Galgano as sole candidate. Results will be published on August 31. Elections for Events DC completed, David Opati Aswani has been confirmed in his role. No manifestos received for Operations DC and Programs DC roles. Call for manifestos has been extended until August 30, 2021.

  • [Advisory Board] Advisory Board members have been invited to Glip a few weeks ago. I had an introductory meeting with Ankit Shrivastava on August 9, who arranged a first meeting with the other members on August 24. 


  • Joined the Launch Party in Australia, India and UK.

  • Made a “Why I Love Joomla” presentation in India, presentation needs a bit love too, but I think it was ok for short preparation time

  • Have spoken with Phil about Marketing and the state of the marketing department

  • Had a chat with Jenn, brainstorming some ideas about supporting local communities.

  • Have spoken with Justine about how things are going in Uganda and the state of her involvement.

  • Robert brought to the Board attention the position of Conflict of Interest being JandBeyond e.V. a vendor of Open Source Matters for several years. JandBeyond e.V. provided for years the storage service for OSM video kit and took care of shipping the kit to international events of the Community (JWC, JoomlaDays and other local events). The Board discussed the matter and decided to formalize the service through a specific written agreement, seeing no reason to look for another vendor, given that the service has been provided since 2018 when Robert wasn’t in any potential COI position.

Other Business

  • The Board would like to express gratitude to all the volunteers who have contributed to the development and release of Joomla 4 and Joomla 3.10. Special thanks to the Release Leaders George Wilson and Tobias Zulauf for their efforts.

Motions taken during this meeting

#2021/070 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Hugh Douglas-Smith.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Motions taken offline before this meeting

#2021/069 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.