By Luca Marzo on 2021-10-28 15:05 in Board of Directors

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting

Date: October 21, 2021
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes


Robert Deutz (President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Radek Suski (Treasurer), David Opati Aswani (Director), Hugh Douglas-Smith (Director), Jaz Parkyn (Director), Wilco Alsemgeest (Director), Philip Walton (Director).


Nicola Galgano (Vice President), Marco Dings (Director).



Discussion outline


  • Radek shared the bank balances as of today.

    • Business Checking 1:  $ 12,949.89

    • Business Checking 2:  $ 777.94

    • Money Market:  $ 370,852.98

    • PayPal: $ 5,419.54

  • Radek tried to get a complete monthly report from Quickbooks, but there are some issues.

  • GSoC payment has been received. 

  • Radek is going to fix the payment of EchoSign.

Hugh Douglas-Smith left the meeting at 17:10 UTC.

Legal & Finance Department

  • Hugh received an update from the Lawyers and is waiting for additional information on the trademark legal case.

Marketing & Communications Department

  • Joomla 4.1 Alpha2, 4.0.4 and 3.10.3 all written, set up and ready for Tuesday.

  • Further press releases will go out with the posts.

  • Help4Joomla article in magazine and being taken up by VET.

  • Philp shared some proposals for a sponsorship renewal deal. The board gave input and suggestions.

Events Department

  • Events Department Meeting held on 16th October.

  • SobiPro-DP Calendar migration - Events Team with the help of Wilco are doing the last stages of the work.

Operations Department

Programs Department

  • No major updates.

  • The Board discussed the lack of new nominations for successors as Department Coordinator.


  • [Trademarks] The legal counsel of Facebook contacted us because, as result of a lawsuit, they were able to get the control over several domains which were infringing trademarks of several organizations. One of such domains included the Joomla name, so they offered us to choose whether to transfer it to us or cancel it. Luca responded on October 16, providing our GoDaddy account, to transfer it to us at no cost. The Trademark Team would decide whether it’s opportune to keep it in the future.

  • [Semi-Annual Members Meeting] The meeting minutes are being processed and will be published as soon as the Board will review the document.

  • [Correspondence] CSC sent us the notice of service related to the trademark legal case on October 14, 2021 with more than one month of delay.

  • [Lighter Structure Proposal] The board discussed the state of the proposal, especially the idea of merging the Legal & Finance Department into Operations. The team can see some overlaps but also something that doesn't fit perfectly. A solution could be to move the Capital Team into the Outreach Department and the other two remaining teams into Operations. Because of the current situation we want to push this change, we will continue the discussion but we should come to a decision at the next board meeting.


  • Spoke with a potential Sponsor Wednesday, showed them the options and we discussed how we can work together to the better of both parties.

  • Joined a Project launch in Oman virtually. They are teaching Students about Joomla, how to use it. It’s a start to spread Joomla knowledge in the country.   

  • Wrote an Email to Ryan Ozimek about the Bank Accounts problem we have.

Motions taken during this meeting

#2021/082 - Merge Google Summer of Code Team and Joomla Enhancement Development Team into one team called Joomla Enhancement Development Team. All team members of the current teams will keep voting rights.
Proposed by Robert Deutz, seconded by Philip Walton.
The motion passed with majority consent and 2 abstentions. Jaz Parkyn and Wilco Alsemgeest abstained.

#2021/083 - Move the Joomla Community Magazine Team from the Operations Department to the Marketing & Communication Department.
Proposed by Wilco Alsemgeest, seconded by Philip Walton.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

#2021/084 - Move meeting time to 18.00 UTC to reflect the timeshift from the next Board Meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Wilco Alsemgeest.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

#2021/085 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Motions taken offline before this meeting

#2021/081 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Wilco Alsemgeest.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.