OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - May 05, 2022
By Luca Marzo on 2022-06-02 15:47 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: May 05, 2022
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 40 minutes
Robert Deutz (President), Nicola Galgano (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Benjamin Trenkle (Director), Harald Leithner (Director), Philip Walton (Director).
Radek Suski (Treasurer).
Discussion outline
Production Department
The Documentation Team is working on archiving all the old documentation. Help is needed.
Automated testing implements “Renovate” bot for easier updating of dependencies.
Also a consolidation process regarding the used software started. Help is needed. -
Productive meeting regarding the issue from the last security release with certain members from the community. Led to other discoveries like a needed improvement for the 2FA login progress. A motion is being voted within the Department.
3.10.9 & 4.1.3 coming on May 10th.
Successful 4.2 Alpha 2 release done.
Fruitful meeting regarding 4.2 feature list, updates coming soon.
A code style change to PSR-12 PR is created, when merged, Joomla! 5.0 branch will be created.
Outreach Department
Marketing wall and stickers ordered for Joomladay France.
Personas questionnaire ready to be used in a magazine article.
First newsletter for a development version of Joomla sent, J4.2 Alpha 2.
Operations Department
Minor steps on the Joomla.org Template.
JED 4 makes progress.
Further work is being done on Joomla! 4.x checks for the JED Checker.
Forum runs CloudFlare successfully on the sandbox, migration should happen soon.
Vice President
Nicola urged the need to arrange a meeting with the Advisory Board to better define their responsibilities and answer all their questions. The Board agreed to prepare a list of questions for them and then plan a dedicated meeting. President took over the task.
[Notification] Radek Suski resigned as Treasurer of the corporation. He will remain in charge until the new successor is elected. The Board would like to express gratitude to Radek for his service.
[Elections] The Call for Manifestos for the Treasurer replacement election has been published: Call for Candidate Manifestos - Treasurer Replacement.
[Partnerships] The legal review of the Mattermost agreement is about to be completed. Some tweaks to the agreement might be needed. They shared an amended version of the agreement. The Board is now required to review it so that we can move forward with that.
[Cooperation] Luca drafted a Cooperation Agreement with the Joomla Foundation related to access to some services provided by the Foundation.
Worked on the agreement with Newormedia for performing better on ads.
Tried to create a bank account for the Joomla Foundation.
Robert is validating all the accesses and documentation in order to simplify the onboarding of the new treasurer, once elected.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2022/040 - Invite the Advisory Board members to the next 3 Board Meetings to assess their engagement.
Proposed by Nicola Galgano, seconded by Luca Marzo.
Robert Deutz, Philip Walton, Benjamin Trenkle, Harald Leithner voted against. Luca Marzo abstained. Nicola Galgano voted in favor.
The motion failed.
#2022/041 - Invite the Advisory Board to a special meeting to make a better connection. Prepare a document to explain our expectations upfront.
Proposed by Robert Deutz, seconded by Philip Walton.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
#2022/042 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Benjamin Trenkle.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Motions taken offline before this meeting
#2022/039 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Robert Deutz.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.