OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - August 25, 2022
By Luca Marzo on 2022-10-01 14:31 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: August 25, 2022
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour minutes
Robert Deutz (President), Radek Suski (Treasurer), Nicola Galgano (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Philip Walton (Director), Harald Leithner (Director).
Benjamin Trenkle (Director) for the first part of the meeting
Harald Leithner served as proxy for Benjamin Trenkle.
Discussion outline
Bank Balances:
Business Checking 1: $ 33,615.09
Business Checking 2: $ 11,205.99
Money Market: $ 330,202.23
PayPal: $ 94.52
No report as it contains no data.
The PayPal account needs to be fixed.
Radek will ensure the payment of the Harbor Compliance invoice as soon as possible.
Production Department
Joomla! 4.2.0 released, thank you to Roland & Franciska and all helpers.
Joomla! 3.10.11 released, thanks Tobias.
The UX team is in formation, when stabilized it will make a motion to become an official team.
Several motions regarding releases and deprecations are defined.
Also a better binding to tests (Cypress is done, now we need some experience) and documentation for PRs is planned.
Several sprints are planned for the next months: JSST, Maintenance Team. Nicola requested additional details about sprints’ goals.
Statement planned for the upcoming week regarding the releases of Joomla 5.x.
Looking for maintainers for the "old search".
Outreach Department
Press releases for 4.2 and the birthday sent.
Videos from Brian Teeman and the Marketing team made live on the Birthday.
The 17 reasons to love Joomla campaign finished with many entries.
Magazine out for Birthday with 17 websites featured.
Quarterly Outreach Teams meetings in planning.
Operations Department
Glip export is limited to admin accounts only.
Mattermost in progress.
AWS grant is pending.
Vice President
Nicola requested a post-mortem comment about the issues with the Joomla 4.2.0 release.
The blog post of 5.0 release date has worried the community https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/discussions/38407
Nicola proposed to discuss at the next Semi-Annual Members Meeting the Joomla release cycle.
Benjamin Trenkle joined the call at 17.45 UTC.
[Elections] The elections results for Operations DC, Outreach DC and Vice President have been published: Joomla Group 1 Elections - Partial Results and Recommendations
[Elections] The election for the Treasurer is still in progress. Results expected for August 31, 2022.
[Grants] Luca submitted the request for a new AWS grant.
No updates from the ongoing legal cases.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2022/064 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Radek Suski
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Motions taken offline before this meeting
#2022/063 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Robert Deutz.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.