OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - May 04, 2023
By Luca Marzo on 2023-05-14 16:11 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: May 04, 2023
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 40 minutes
Crystal Dionysopoulos (President), Nicola Galgano (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Nadja Lamisch (Treasurer), Benjamin Trenkle (Director), Philip Walton (Director), Harald Leithner (Director).
Discussion outline
Crystal suggested reviewing the invoicing process for recurring invoices, useful in case of multi-year sponsorships.
Nadja worked on the setup of Wise together with Crystal.
Nadja is trying to get in touch with the Bookkeeper.
Nadja suggested updating the Reimbursement form, to add the necessary information to process payments more efficiently.
Budget process: the Department budget collection phase has started.
Received reimbursement request from JoomlaDay Netherlands for USD 566.
Nadja shared the bank balances as of today.
Production Department
Joomla 4.3.0 & 4.3.1 released.
Accessibility and Experience Teams need more volunteers.
Outreach Department
Marketing material for Joomla 4.3.1 out.
Talk to kick off the design for J5 marketing at Jday USA had some responses.
Marketing running internal competition to come up with new J5 marketing designs which will then be shared publicly.
Operations Department
Service Provider Directory has found two additional members, a warm welcome to
Claire Mandville
Maurice Molenaar
Vice President
Nicola worked on the thank you email for former Advisory Board members.
Nicola will do a session at Italian Accessibility Days.
Nicola is exploring the opportunity to candidate Joomla as Digital Public Good.
Luca has been out for travels in the previous days, so will ensure all the updates and documents are completed over the weekend.
Application for advisory board, announcement, and evaluation matrix have been created. Announcements should be published and publicized as soon as possible.
Crystal suggested organizing a Joomla Leaders Summit: for leadership development and high-level strategy discussion across all team leads and board members.
Crystal suggested establishing “OSM Office Hours” virtual calls to connect with the community and answer questions.
Crystal went through the current sponsorship and partnership agreements to ensure we’re fulfilling our obligations towards partners and sponsors.
Other business
JoomlaDay France has asked an OSM member to attend and give a presentation on the future of Joomla.
Harald Leithner left the meeting at 18:30 UTC due to conflict of interest with the matter.
The Board discussed the proposal received in response to the RFP to outsource the extended security support for Joomla 3.x. Luca will work on the agreement.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2023/021 - Accept the proposal regarding the Extended Security Support for Joomla 3.x from the vendor who responded to the RFP.
Proposed by Benjamin Trenkle, seconded by Luca Marzo.
Harald Leithner did not vote for the motion. Crystal Dionysopoulos abstained.
The motion passed with majority consent and 1 abstention.
#2023/022 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Nadja Lamisch.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Motions taken offline before this meeting
#2022/020 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Crystal Dionysopoulos.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.