By Luca Marzo on 2024-04-04 18:27 in Board of Directors

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting

Date: February 22, 2024
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 25 minutes


Philip Walton (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Nadja Lamisch (Treasurer), Sigrid Gramlinger (Director), Louise Hawkins (Director).


Crystal Dionysopoulos (President).



Discussion outline


  • Nadja is getting in touch with Citibank account manager to check accesses.

  • Received a reimbursement request from Laura for a JoomlaDay.

  • Nadja prepared a folder related to Sponsorships, including a spreadsheet with graphs and amounts of current sponsorships.

Production Department

  • Releases including Security fixes went really well! No issues afterwards. Thanks to everybody involved in the releases of 4.4.3, 5.0.3 and 5.1.0-Alpha 4. Next 5.1 release will be with feature freeze.

  • JXT is getting active, Jonathan is looking for people to support him.

  • PBF is on Feb 24 and the next one is planned already for Aug for 5.2 Alpha, but in general we have PRs which are ready but only the successful tests are missing. We’re looking for more tests.

  • The Board discussed options to increase the number of tests and simplify the access to testing.

  • Getting in touch with all team leads for goals for the first half year of 2024.

Outreach Department

  • [Holopin] There are some revised versions in the meeting folder for discussion. The PBF ones need work which will be done as soon as possible. Next step is to define the delivery mode and rules.

  • [PBF] A thank you to IONOS went out on social media today.

  • [Social Media] Hans has officially removed himself as Team Leader for Social Media. Louise is going to explore the opportunity to consolidate teams or arrange a Team Lead election.

  • [Teams] Louise made Patrick aware that due to the bylaws that state he can’t be a leader of more than one team. He has stated that he is happy to stand down as events team lead as soon as a replacement is found.

  • [Migration to J4/J5 stuck on 3] Interestingly, Anja recently asked on the Joomla facebook group what’s holding you back from moving to Joomla 5, she turned off comments after 158 were received! Louise will go through and categorize the answers but in general the reasons were MySQL version and time.

  • Situation analysis: Louise will continue to update it.

Operations Department

  • Nothing major to report.

Vice President

  • Philip started working on the “Volunteer Guide” initiative.



  • Crystal is going to provide a 889 form to the requestor.

  • Crystal is going to attend JoomlaDay NL. 

Other business

  • The Board discussed how to proceed with the organization of the World Conference. Philip to work on the foundational documents, so that we can proceed with the working group recruitment.

  • Sigrid is going to hold a presentation on engineering requirements next Thursday.

Motions taken during this meeting

#2024/009 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Nadja Lamisch.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Motions taken offline before this meeting

#2024/008 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Crystal Dionysopoulos.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.