OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - May 02, 2024
By Luca Marzo on 2024-05-16 18:42 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: May 02, 2024
Time: 18:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour minutes
Crystal Dionysopoulos (President), Philip Walton (Vice President), Nadja Lamisch (Treasurer), Sigrid Gramlinger (Director), Louise Hawkins (Director).
Luca Marzo (Secretary)
Carlos Camara (Director)
Crystal Dionysopoulos is the proxy for Carlos Camara.
Philip Walton is the proxy for Luca Marzo.
Discussion outline
Budget status update: Prod Dept. Team Leads started in a copy in PD Google drive.
Joomla Foundation had missed a tax file but it is resolved and up to date now.
Production Department
Joomla Experience Team - Jonathan is not responding to anybody for 6 weeks now and the team is not active since months. In the PD meeting we discussed either merging it with Accessibility team or making a working group or closing it down. We need a decision.
Enhancement team: Olivier Buisard was elected as new team lead.
Accessibility: GAAD Pledge Kickoff meeting was held.
Releases: Looking for Release Managers for Joomla 5.3
Paid Contributions - We are working on a draft proposal
Volunteer appreciation - Thank you for former Team Leads and Release Managers will be sent, starting from January 2024.
Outreach Department
Certificate of Appreciation - Louise has worked with Sigrid to produce a Certificate of Appreciation, Marketing has a copy of the original artwork to amend and issue Certificates.
Holopin: Message posted in Leadership channel as agreed asking team leads to tidy up their team member listings. The initial four volunteer badges have been issued a multiple recipient claim URL. Redemption of the badge has been tested by Louise and Sigrid, and a generic email has been drafted. Next steps are to organise who and how these emails are sent.
Events Team: Patrick is in communication with Carlos to resolve some of the issues previously outlined. Joomladay NL event is now published, just need to add an image.
GAAD: Great kick off meeting and subsequent activity in finalising the pledge. This will give marketing and social media plenty of content for the year! This will also give longform content topics for LinkedIn newsletters and the proposed alternative content.
Get Users off Joomla 3 Campaign - Discussed with Tom / marketing lead and have posted in the marketing channel to get some feedback there, Tom would prefer to create a form on the community website to obtain feedback as opposed to a google form. We will get the final copy and graphics complete for approval. Campaign to get Users off Joomla 3
Marketing Team: Good meeting with Tom, budget discussed and we even saved some money on the Adobe subscriptions.
The board also discussed the merits of a brand or logo update to align with the release of Joomla 7, and decided it’s not a priority currently.
Vice President
Phil raised the concerns shared with him about the MediaWiki server and the documentation tools.
The board discussed the Joomla Academy
Call for Volunteers for the Assistant to Secretary will be published over the weekend.
No major updates.
Open Website Alliance updates
Advisory Board - we need to clarify expectations on both sides
Joomla 5 - AFUJ have created a FR version of the Joomla 5 landing page - We are okay having this site hosted on their end.
Joomla World Conference - the board discussed how to get this event going again
Other business
Sovereign Tech Fund - Crystal will contact Drupal to see how that works for them and if it applies to Joomla, will start the application.
Crystal reminded the board to fill out the Doodle for the next board workshop.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2024/021 - Approve the Meeting Minutes and adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Crystal Dionysopoulos, seconded by Philip Walton
The motion passed with unanimous consent.