OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - June 13, 2024
By Luca Marzo on 2024-06-13 17:59 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: June 13, 2024
Time: 18:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 00 minutes
Philip Walton (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Sigrid Gramlinger (Director), Louise Hawkins (Director).
Crystal Dionysopoulos (President) on leave of absence.
Nadja Lamisch (Treasurer), Carlos Camara (Director).
Sigrid Gramlinger served as proxy for Nadja Lamisch.
Luca Marzo served as proxy for Carlos Camara.
The President has requested to take a leave of absence due to health reasons, therefore she won’t be in the office for 1 month. Being absent the President, the Vice President would take over the responsibilities and duties of the President for the whole period in which the President won’t be able to fulfill their duties.
Discussion outline
The Board discussed the Budget plan for Fiscal Year 2024/25 and decided to approve the budget based on the “Keep the lights on” method even though there is a deficit in projected income. The budget is meant to be reviewed when there is a more clear insight on the income.
Nadja shared the budget plan documents.
Nadja shared the bank balances.
Production Department
Budget requests have been updated prior to the meeting.
The Department has been granted a few free licenses of Codium.ai.
Outreach Department
Holopin is ready to go, so Louise will send the copy and links to all DC’s, then Louise would suggest awarding a Holopin to each Team Lead and then asking the Team Leads to award and distribute accordingly. There will also be an article about Holopin in the JCM for June.
GAAD: Need to create content for social media to keep momentum going, Viviana has shared some great resources.
Social Media: Louise will reach out within the community and to the DMI (Digital Marketing Institute) to recruit help for our social media team. New content needs to be created as a large amount of previous evergreen content was in relation to Joomla 4. Loise would like to include giving our partners and sponsors some airtime.
Marketing: Louise will assign the get users off J3 campaign survey to the marketing team. She can set up a test site with convert forms pro so they can work on it and then we can export.
JCM: Again, Louise needs to schedule a meeting with Anja to have a catch-up, we could probably do with another graphics person for JCM as a backup. We previously discussed creating a new template as well, so will look to get that complete along with some user guidelines which will make recruiting/training an additional person easier.
Vice President
Philip made some arrangements for the next Board workshop planned for June 15, 2024.
No candidates so far for the role of Assistant to the Secretary. The call will remain open for a while.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2024/025 - Approve the Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2024/25.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Philip Walton.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
#2024/026 - Approve the Meeting Minutes and adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Philip Walton.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.