OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - October 03, 2024
By Luca Marzo on 2024-10-03 18:26 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: October 03, 2024
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes
Crystal Dionysopoulos (President), Philip Walton (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Nadja Lamisch (Treasurer), Sigrid Gramlinger (Director), Angelika Prox-Dampha (Director).
Carlos Camara (Director).
Sigrid Gramlinger served as proxy for Carlos Camara.
Discussion outline
The 990 form is now ready and Danielle is starting the Char500 process.
Nadja shared the income from the eLTS for September.
Trademark registration renewal for the Philippines has been paid.
Bookkeeper invoice paid.
Nadja is chasing a sponsor for missing payments.
Angelika Prox-Dampha joined the meeting at 17.15 UTC.
Production Department
Joomla 5.2.0-RC1 released, tests are needed.
Joomla 5.3: as there are no Release Leaders yet for Joomla 5.3, the CMS Maintenance Team will take over the release management responsibilities for the 5.3 version.
Joomla Help: We will move the Joomla help files from the Mediawiki to the CMS itself, host them on GitHub, have them as markdown, translating them with Crowdin, and automate screenshots.
Docs: For other documentation like tutorials, the docs team will start at first with an analysis of the current structure, define target groups and have a new structure. Documentation will be developed in English-only mode at the beginning and the team is looking to work on automated translations through AI.
Outreach Department
The Marketing Team is working on updating the content of the website. We tried to change links going to Documentation 3.x to 5.x.
The Marketing Team has held some update sprints and plans more, next on wednesday.
Angelika is looking into implementing a CMP for the cookie compliance for the joomla.org websites.
Angelika proposed to send some Joomla representatives to CloudFest to promote the project and find new potential sponsors.
Angelika urged to restart the Digital Public Good application process.
The Board discussed some extensions developers that are dropping out of the Joomla market. A solution would be to support crowdfunding campaigns to let them stay relevant in the ecosystem.
Operations Department
Lots of issues with mod_security after infrastructure change. All reported issues were solved. Mostly we had to request IP from our affected volunteers to remove the block
Updated documentation for onboarding process for the Password vault
Created sandbox/staging area for OSM site update
Updated our Privacy Policy with what I could remember:
Updated date
Included 5.joomla.org
Replaced our CDN provider with CloudFlare
Vice President
Meeting with Codort to find a potential sponsorship.
Philip found multiple potential sponsors for the Joomla Academy project.
[Elections] As of today, we’ve received no nominations/manifestos for the Vice President role. The call for manifestos is still open.
[Grants] A 9000 USD grant has been applied to our AWS account through the AWS Credit for Open Source initiative.
[Sponsors] We’ve received an inquiry from a potential sponsor. Forwarded all the details to the President, Vice President and Treasurer to proceed with the deal.
No major updates.
Other business
The new joomla.org redesign is progressing well. Updates will be provided periodically. The Austria Community is proudly providing help with the initiative.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2024/034 - Approve the Meeting Minutes and adjourn the meeting.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Nadja Lamisch.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.