By Luca Marzo on 2016-06-29 12:54 in Production Leadership Team

The Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) meets monthly.

This meeting was held on June 23rd, 2016 at 22.00 CEST on Glip.

Team members

In attendance: Roland Dalmulder, Chris Davenport, Robert Deutz, Marco Dings, Luca Marzo, Tessa Mero, Viktor Vogel, George Wilson.

Absents: Javier Gomez.

Discussion Outline

PLT Budget / Google Summer of Code ‘16 Budget (Robert)

  • The budget is still under review / discussion. OSM requested again a huge cut to the budget of PLT and GSoC.  OSM came up with some ideas on changing the budget at some areas, mostly it was about personal travel costs.

  • A large part of the PLT budget is “labeled” as personal travel but our position is that it is wrongly classified. Our Code Sprint are development costs because bringing people together and letting them work on a specific problem is the only way we have to push development

  • The same argument is valid for GSOC, it looks like personal travel but it is development and a way  of bringing people closer to the project.

  • PLT thinks that there are different “areas” of the Joomla! Budget that could be adjusted and balanced. At the moment PLT is waiting for the official budget plan from OSM and/or for other real motivations to convince the team to rearrange its budget request.

Structure Transition (Robert)

  • After JAB, Robert joined the discussion of the Transition Team and he started helping them working on the Volunteers Portal. Major changes at the Volunteers Portal were needed by the Transition Team in order to implement the new structure of the Joomla! Project and community. Robert worked on that and committed all the changes needed. Transition Team will start testing all the new features soon. Later the test will be opened to the general public. Robert and George will manage the Volunteers Portal code.

Team members changes (Luca)

  • Chris, Javier and Tessa renewed their roles in PLT for another year. Team voted and confirmed.

  • The Call for Treasurer is still open.

GitHub Subscription (Tessa)

  • Tessa confirmed that GitHub granted to the Joomla! Project unlimited private repositories as Open Source project.

  • Mike Veeckmans (Marketing Team) is working on a blog post to announce the partnership.

Joomla 3.6 (George)

  • George will release the Release Candidate of Joomla 3.6 as soon as possible (in a couple of days).

Joomla 3.7 (Chris)

  • Chris will work on the project during the next couple weeks. The major new feature “Custom fields” is moving forward.

  • The other sub-projects haven’t shown much progress.

Joomla 4/X (George)

  • George will share the “feature document” with PLT in order to allow members to vote on it. After the vote, the document will be available for the community.

Weblinks - com_weblinks (Chris)

  • The idea is to publish soon a Beta or RC version of the component in order to have a final release more or less in parallel with the 3.6 Stable release.

  • Chris will work on PRs before to confirm the timeline.

Boilerplate Generator (Roland)

  • PLT voted on the Boilerplate generator and approved the project. Roland will serve as Liaison for this.

  • Roland talked with a developer at JetBrains and decided to host the boilerplates on GitHub. JetBrains will pull the boilerplates from there.

Google Summer of Code ‘16 (Javier)

  • Most of the projects are going smoothly, with some delay in Multilingual Content and Shareable Draft Content.

  • Midterm evaluation is scheduled to be over by the 27th and all the students have already completed evaluation. Mentors will also complete soon.

  • Regular updates are provided by each team after the meeting on the Volunteer Portal

  • GSoC Admin's will also publish report after this month to summarize the progress and updates about the team.

  • GSoC Admin's have to provide team information to Luca, this is being collected from the team only few folks are left with.  

  • Budget Request is still pending from OSM, hence team swag can not be printed or ordered.

Testing (Javier)

  • The Automated Testing Working Group continues working in a healthy way, reports are available at

  • Priority is now placed in Prital's GSoC project to add Gherkin/BDD tests to Joomla.

  • There is an interteam (formed by Puneet, Niels B., Yvesh, Jelle and Javier) that is working on defining the architecture for our next generation acceptance tests, with focus on easing contributions from the community and on making them work in the current Joomla version and the upcoming ones.

THM Students contributions (Roland)

  • Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University (Germany) has asked Roland to come back again for the 2 weeks of programming and guide the students.

  • PLT will decide which projects they can work on.

  • Roland will check and review latest PRs from them.

Accessibility (Roland)

  • Roland trained Armen to  write and handle PRs on GitHub.

  • Coders will be able to start coding next week.

Joomla! Contributors Agreement (Viktor)

  • PLT received a list of all Joomla! Contributor Agreement (JCA) submissions so far by OSM.

  • At the moment only OSM has access to the Adobe Sign account

  • The JCA forms can be found at

  • PLT is considering the opportunity to change the JCA submission handling in order to simplify and keep up to date the list of contributors who signed the agreement.

  • Luca will contact OSM monthly to receive the updated list of JCA submissions.

  • Viktor and Luca wil take a closer look again on and analyse whether it can be implemented to handle the JCA.

Website content (Luca)

  • Luca noticed that on the following page: latest release notes are about Joomla! 3.3.2. Additionally the list is not so clear because 2.5.x and 3.x are listed all together. He will add Release notes links for versions 3.3.3 and higher and will remove old reference of the 2.5.x series.


Meeting ends after 120 minutes. Luca will set up a doodle to choose the next meeting date.