CLT Meeting Notes September 20, 2016
By Private Profile 856e51e5 on 2016-10-04 21:40 in Community Leadership Team
Attendees : Sandra, Rowan, Cliff, David, Sander, Helvecio, Anibal, Mike
Excused : Johan
Events Team
Events site has been merged into CJO and is now live
Some issues with listing ownership need to be resolved then the Events Directory and JUGs directory will integrate to reduce the workflow for JUG Organisers to list their meetings.
JCM are running a special edition for October on JWC
Banners are now on most of our properties
Budget has been brought up to date with taxes/service charges taken into account
Ticket sales reported to have picked up
JAB kit has been offered to help with AV Costs
Certification is confirmed with Sarah leading the session
Joomla! Forum
It would be nice to have https activated on forum as well. CP will follow up
Menu links are not updated because of the template, if complete template can’t be updated make the menu up to date please. CP will follow up. SP there’s a possibility maybe to use the CDN menu?
The JED is now running the template
JED has SSL enabled now
New SPAM Review Checker
Jaz Parkyn is taking Matt's role over in the next few weeks, as JED Team Manager.
New volunteers - listing specialists: Long delays to clear new extensions and ticket queues. Multiple forum and social media complaints. More spam and sneaky extensions. Pending tickets from August / Sept have been answered.
- removed from the homepage still waiting to hear back from the maintainer (ST)
Create & Share Page: few lines were added about Volunteers Portal (ST)
Partners: page updated (ST+MV)
Joomla! Press: page updated (ST+MV)
Redesign meeting has been made with Soren action plan is being formed.
There are still some https errors to be fixed
There will be a call for volunteers
Shop and training are launched
Events has been migrated to cjo
Website to launch beginning of next week (26-27 September). OK
Announcement and SM will follow day (or 2) afterwards. (MV) OK
Using jorgtemplate and GitHub issues fixed. (ST)
Volunteers portal
Teams have been cleaned up and restructured (using the ned subteams feature). Only couple OSM teams left. Contacted the teams about that. (SP)
17 Github issues closed past 21 days (SP)
Upcoming larger feature: “open positions” page, overview of all open positions across teams (SP)
A contact attempt will be be made to discuss communication, style and website setup with the VEL-Team
- Style Check (Anibal)
Webmaster Team
We’ll start when possible to work on jorg homepage (ST)
SEO Team: (re-)activate this team, define their goals, write a “user manual”/guidelines to follow for property managers, a new leader for this team is needed (Rowan can handle this as well as the management of GA/GTM accounts) (ST)(DJ)
Marketing & Social
Joomla! 3.7 outline done, mid october a teasing campaign will start. Beginning of october Alpha will be released,
A call for a mascot will be launched soon
Social media : working on a short doc containing some ideas to improve the efficiency of our Social Media accounts.
The Magazine site has been updated to SSL (RHA)
The October issue will be devoted to promote JWC
J Template has been fully installed
GA is functional again
Language switcher has been moved into nav-bar to be correctly visible in mobile devices
Improvements have been made to K2 view to look better in mobile devices