Summary OSM Meeting 8 January, 2015
By Private Profile 9ffb3741 on 2015-01-11 23:24 in Open Source Matters
In todays Board of Directors meeting we discussed these items:
Approval of the Meeting Minutes of December 11 and 18, 2014 will take place on the email list.
Team Reports
Demo Site:
Free Hosting Demo at
The launch needed to be delayed since a solution for supporting the free demo hosting users need to be developed.
Events Team
The team will meet next week and discuss leadership of the team
Preparations for assembling a team for 2015 are made
A meeting is planned next week. The new website needs priority.
The team decided not to use the certification platform that was used as a pilot at JWC. They will prepare a requirements document for the platform.
Unfinished Business
Contract RFP Marketing is signed by Sensis
Global Sponsor Programme
Joe Sonne, Tessa Mero and Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen will be working towards a detailed proposal where the board can vote on. -
A meeting with representatives of OSM, PLT and CLT and the financial team took place. Where needed clarification was requested. In order to accomplish a revenue neutral budget all teams are asked to look into where we can cut down and prioritizing is requested.
New Business
Request claim for local domain registration
The Board approved a reimbursement of $125,- for local domain registration to Jacques Rentzke. It involves a one time reimbursement and it does not change the decision made in the past to not register sunrise domains.
The dates for the next meetings are:
12 February 2015 - Monthly Board Meeting
12 March 2015 - Monthly Board Meeting
Note: More detailed Meeting Minutes of this Board Meeting will be subject of the next monthly board meeting to be approved and published at the OSM website shortly after approval.