OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - June 15, 2017
By Luca Marzo on 2017-06-20 07:24 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: June 15, 2017
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour.
Robert Jacobi (President), Aleksander Kuczek (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Mike Demopoulos (Treasurer), Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall (Director), Peter Martin (Director), Radek Suski (Director), Yves Hoppe (Director).
Michael Babker (Director), Søren Beck Jensen (Director)
Discussion outline
Queries from the President
Joomla! Election Cycle
Rowan shared with the Board a draft for the election process. Luca presented the overall process.
Robert finalized the “Joomla! Election Cycle Document”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxVnh9UeGjm8Q094WUloTlp2bjA/view
Engagement Platform
Follow up with the platform provider next week.
Marketing & Communication Department
Radek shared a report from the Marketing leadership team.
Rowan to try getting licenses for imaging software.
Marketing Team to get in touch with hosting providers to provide contents about major updates/information.
Radek proposed to move Shop under the Operations Department. The Board discussed about Shop, Mike explained some financial rules we need to comply with.
Rowan to prepare a solution document.
Events Department
JWC Tickets are on the market.
Events Charter was updated during JAB with new Clauses.
CMS Africa Summit Planning Meeting went well.
Programs Department
Yves shared the progress of the Recognition Team and the strategic plan.
Luca shared the information about filing a d/b/a (doing business as), as decided by the Board. Mike to get in touch with Legal Shield in order to clarify the number of counties we need to file the permission request to.
Mike shared progress about the “Budget” blog post that will go out in the next days.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2017/041 - Approve the Joomla! Election Cycle Document
Proposed by Robert Jacobi, seconded by Luca Marzo
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
#2017/042 - The Secretary proposed to adjourn the meeting
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.