By Luca Marzo on 2017-10-16 09:42 in Board of Directors

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting

Date: October 12, 2017

Time: 17:00 UTC

Total time of meeting: 50 minutes


Robert Jacobi (President), Aleksander Kuczek (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Mike Demopoulos (Treasurer), Michael Babker (Director), Yves Hoppe (Director), Peter Martin (Director), Sandra Thevenet (Elected Director).


Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall (Director), Radek Suski (Director), Søren Beck Jensen (Director).

Discussion outline


  • Mike shared the Budget vs Actual YTD report.

  • OSM will proceed with the Credit line.

Production Department Report

  • No major issues after last release, tentatively scheduling 3.8.2 for the beginning of November.

  • Development activity consistent on all active branches.

  • Production Department Leadership meeting this afternoon, more updates post-meeting.

Legal & Finance Department

  • Rowan is working with a sponsor to improve situation.

  • Negotiations starting for new global sponsor.

  • Advertise page and micro sponsorship will be done within 2 weeks.

  • Trademark Team is on track, processing tickets and requests.

Marketing & Communication Department

  • Marketing Sprint in the beginning of november.

  • Social Media Team is working as usual.

  • Translation Team: reactivated. Trying to get the 3.8 landing page translated in more languages

  • JWC Sprint will be dedicated to J4 marketing

Events Department

  • Rowan had to take corrective actions against some wrong information about JWC going on Italian community’s channels. An official statement has been published in English and Italian on the JWC website and social channels to clarify situation and truth about the event.

  • Rowan will attend JoomlaDay Italy on Saturday October 14, 2017 and together with Luca will try to have more traction about JWC.

  • Majority of flights for JWC have been done.

Operations Department

  • Peter shared news from the Operations Department Leadership Meeting.

  • Extensions Directory Team - Extra backlog due to the recent holiday season. JED recruited a new team member to help solving it.

  • Resource Directory Team - Backlog of submissions. The JRD recruited 2 new volunteers, one will help with solving the backlog.

  • Volunteers Portal Team - recruited 3 new members to help with development and moderation

  • Rowan has fixed what she could on the Joomla Resource Directory. The obvious listings in the queue have all been published, their ticket queue cleaned and categorised and they are now in better shape.

  • Part of the time of the Joomla! Template Directory team sprint (Frankfurt in October) will be used to work on the new prototype of Joomla! Resource Directory.

  • Sandra reported about the open issues on GitHub regarding Showcase Directory.

Programs Department

  • Yves shared the results of the first round of Peakon surveys.

  • Volunteers Engagement Team needs to work on a new question / per department set.


  • Worked on OSM Invitation Letters for the Italian Embassy in several countries for JET recipients, Speakers and some sponsors employees.

  • Google notified/published the DPA (Data Processing Amendment) related to GSuite services. GDPR Working Group started reviewing it.

  • GDPR Working Group will start involving team leaders assessing .org properties and tools to start working on Gap Analysis.

Motions taken during this meeting

#2017/070 - JWC will take a rest in 2018. The efforts used will be directed at a global event sponsorship fund to ensure that Joomla events anytime, anywhere get the support and attention they deserve. Furthermore this will allow us to appear more often at events outside our ecosystem to reach a wider audience.
Proposed by Robert Jacobi, seconded by Yves Hoppe.
The motion passed with majority consent and 1 abstention.

#2017/071 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Peter Martin.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.

Motions taken offline before this meeting

#2017/069 - Approve the document called "Trademark Policy for new Top Level Domains (TLD)" as official policy regarding TLDs including one of the Joomla owned trademarks.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall
The motion passed with majority consent.