OSM, Inc. - Full Board Meeting - June 07, 2018
By Luca Marzo on 2018-06-14 09:20 in Board of Directors
Open Source Matters, Inc.
Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting
Date: June 07, 2018
Time: 18:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 1 hour 30 minutes
Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall (President), Alexander Metzler (Vice President), Luca Marzo (Secretary), Mike Demopoulos (Treasurer), Carlos Cámara Mora (Director), George Wilson (Director), Yves Hoppe (Director), Søren Beck Jensen (Director), Sandra Decoux (Director), Hugh Douglas Smith (Director).
Mike Demopoulos left at 18.57 UTC, Søren Beck Jensen left at 19.02 UTC.
Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall served as proxy for Mike Demopoulos. Luca Marzo served as proxy for Søren Beck Jensen
Jennifer Gress from 18.00 UTC to 19.05 UTC.
Discussion outline
Local Communities Department
The Board invited Jennifer Gress to discuss about the formation of the Local Communities Department.
Jennifer shared the documents on how to create the Department and the Pros and Cons document that were shared months ago to the Team Leader of the LC Formation Working Group.
Local Communities could be teams by country and include individuals. Not associations, not JUGs, not Translation Teams. Only individuals should be members of the “local team” in such department.
An idea is to avoid having Team Leaders for each “Country” local team and let all team members to elect the Department Coordinator, tallying up the result by majority for each country team. Although this can lead to a contradiction with the bylaws that requires team leaders to vote for the Department Coordinators.
An option is to divide Local Communities by Language, instead of being divided by Country.
Joomla User Groups should not be considered Local Communities for the formation of the Local Communities Department.
Addition to the Local Team would require manual work.
Jennifer went through a list of Pros and Cons. Such list will be published soon.
There was no clear definition of the purpose of the Department for the good of the Project.
The Board discussed the Pros and Cons, sharing opinions and analyzing different options.
A decision on how to proceed will be taken at the next Board Meeting.
Jennifer Gress left the meeting at 19.05 UTC. The Board would like to express gratitude to Jennifer for her contribution on this theme.
Mike shared the current financial situation.
Rowan to go again to the bank to fix onboarding issues.
Mike reminded that end of the month is tax year closure. Any urgent expenses or reimbursement should be processed as soon as possible.
The blog post about next year budget is almost ready and will be published soon.
Production Department
Google Summer of Code projects are ongoing.
Armen resigned as team leader of Accessibility Team.
Legal & Finance Department
Agreement for Download Sponsorship is out for e-signature.
Trademark Team is looking for a Team Leader. Elections to be arranged shortly.
Marketing & Communication Department
Joomla Shop: over 95 products sold so far
Joomla 4: Discussion initiated for the organisation of a special event day for J4 launch
Joomla 3.9: Release visuals ready and publicly available https://joom.la/39visuals / https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Joomla_3.9_Imagery
Marketing Leadership report: https://volunteers.joomla.org/teams/marketing/reports/820-marketing-leadership-weekly-meeting-june-01-2018
Events Department
Capital is working in a new proposal for Joomla Global Sponsorship with all the input provided these weeks.
Operations Department
Continuing to work with teams on ‘business as usual’ definitions.
Vice President
Alexander introduced himself.
Luca onboarded the elected Vice President, Alexander Metzler.
Election Operations have been completed properly with “Thank you” emails and announcement including the transparency report.
Termination Agreement with Siteground for the old Demo/.com Service signed and stored.
Agreement for launch.joomla.org is signed and stored.
Expiring trademarks have been renewed.
Motions taken during this meeting
#2018/049 - The Secretary proposes to adjourn the meeting
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Carlos Camara Mora.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Motions taken offline before this meeting
#2018/048 - Approve and publish the Board Meeting Minutes.
Proposed by Luca Marzo, seconded by Søren Beck Jensen.
The motion passed with unanimous consent.