By Djamel Kherbi on 2019-08-05 09:18 in Events

Participants: Djamel Kherbi, Carlos Camara, Brian Ronnow, Ahmad Moussa.

Apologies:  Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall, David Aswani. 

Total time of the meeting : 50 minutes

The Events department as held his monthly meeting where the following items were discussed.


Events Department: 

JUG Team :  

  • Ahmad will start to organize a calendar for the jug directory review.
  • All the updates and approval are updated, review of the JUG directory is under process. 

Joomla! Events Team: 

  • All the events submissions are reviewed and approved in a timely manner. 

Next meeting will take place on September 06  2019 at 17:00 pm UTC on Google meet.