Bi-weekly report from Legal and Finance
By Soren Jensen on 2017-04-24 08:26 in Legal & Finance
Sorry I am late with this bi-weekly report. As you will see there is not much to report.
Capital Team
- We have not met since Joe took over as team leader but have a meeting tomorrow April 25th
- We have been discussing in Glip about migrating the ad server (in the long term) to Double Click for Publishers
- We have sold a new community sponsorship, but they had a hard time paying, but it has been solved. Not sure if payment has been recieved yet.
Conflict Resolution Team
- Looking for non-partisan volunteers from outside the organisation
Finance Team
- Is to be moved under the treassurer as an assistant team to him. This will be my last report from this team.
Legal Working Group
- Looking for more volunteers. Nothing to report
Trademark and Licensing [edited]
- Team continues to work through the queue of tickets
- Security has been increased on the site with help from Rowan
- A new version of the brand manual has been published (created by marketing)
Transition Team
- Was voted to be disbanded at their own request at last board meeting. This will be my last report.