Marketing & Communication Meeting at JaB17 05.06.2017
By Private Profile e9605d40 on 2017-06-15 08:31 in Marketing & Communication
Marketing & Communication Meeting
Monday, 05.06.2017
Radek Suski, Department Coordinator
Sigrid Suski, Social Media Team Leader
Ufuk Avcu, Marketing Team Leader
Parth Lawate, Marketing Team Assistant Leader
Alison Meeks, Assistant Social Media Team Leader
Sandra Thevenet, Social Media Team, Marketing Team, Community Translation Team
Yves Hoppe, Marketing Team
Priority Items for JAB & Sprint
Budget has been estimated at 35.000 USD (Radek Suski)
Review inputs on old onboarding forms & Process them & send them emails
Do all reach out for the survey
We discussed the possibility (optional) to display news from Joomla website . Implementation should be similar to the statistics. One offer after installation.
Onboarding Document finalisation & setup of a ‘Welcome team’ . Parth and Ufuk are taking care of it.
Comprehensive tactical plan to implement Marketing 2017 Goals (Parth Lawate)
Comprehensive campaigns plan for the year in relation with 4 above. (Parth Lawate)
Create a global place for marketing resources to be available publicly / update some resources - See with other teams so that they provide their resources too, like Certification - (Sandra Thevenet)
Media Kit for potential sponsors - (Sandra Thevenet)
2-3 Volunteers for PR - To write and distribute Press Releases (Sandra Thevenet)
Create a project wide Calendar (Radek Suski)
Use cases more than features . We should concentrate more on describing Joomla! use cases instead of promoting solely new features.
Define a dictionary of officially used terms - Public glossary on Joomla Docs (With allowed Alternates) (Radek Suski)
Campaign to improve image among PHP developers (promote Framework) (Radek Suski)
Articles about Joomla from an Engineering perspective
Automation test coverage
Coding standards
TV advertising. The marketing team reject the proposal from the OSM board
Reach hosting providers (Radek Suski). Marketing Strategy & implementation for Hosting Companies (Sandra Thevenet).
Sub Teams definition & Onboarding
The Social Media Team decided to use Github issue tracker to add posting enquiries. The Glip Channel ‘Join here..’ will be removed. Source of Information has to be documented when these request are being posted y members of the Social Media Team. (Sigrid) Joomla/Social Media
Calendar for Social Media Team: will use the project wide calendar (Sigrid)
Due Time Frame; if not explicitly defined by the author of an issue, the time frame will be 3 to 7 days (Sigrid)
Joomla 4 Marketing
Outreach articles on and other key websites
Team for Hosting
Licenses for CC
Social Media on Github with template including posting time;
repo with PSD files;
Joomla/Social Media (public) and add the team -> waiting to get the team to the organisation
Tasks (to do in the next 6 months)
Onboard Agencies OUTREACH IN JOOMLA (OIJ) 60h
Get testimonials OIJ 2h
Refute bad Joomla (#83) OOJ; is ongoing ?h
Education (#82) 60h Parth
Send articles to Hosting providers (12 hosts) ->Soren OOJ 40h
Media Kit DESIGN 15h
Project calendar (public): Events, Holidays
Project calendar (private): release dates
-> Google calendar 10h + 10h (adding to the site) Radek
Dictionary for used terms (will be in the docs) OIJ Sandra 10h
Get rid of the bang, the OSM board decided to stop using the bang within the Joomla name.
Make it happen plan finalisation (PL) - Done
Media Calendar Cycle for the Year (PL) - Done
Launch the Survey (PL) - Done
Last Meeting Follow-up
Status of the transition of Marketing Team leadership (Radek Suski)
Evaluation of Jira (Radek Suski) - Closed Decision has been made to use Github
New team members for Marketing Team (Radek Suski) - Calls has been sent
Newsletter for Social Media Team (Radek Suski)
Shop status (Radek Suski). The shop should be moved to Operations department as this is not really related to marketing.
Wikipedia Team status (Radek Suski).
2 Australian designers joined the team before Mike stepped down. Where are they? Contact them (if ever I’m able to find their names) - (ST)
Wikipedia EN - has been updated by Sandra
Blogpost about new structure explained to the community? (ST)
Action Items
J4 Marketing - (ST)
Social Media (sponsors/partners campaign - org properties campaign - international days) - (ST)
Newsletter settings for several properties by ST + RHA - (ST)