Production Dept. Meeting - May 28, 2019
By Luca Marzo on 2019-06-10 20:31 in Production
Date: May 28, 2019
Time: 17:00 UTC
Total time of meeting: 60 minutes
Harald Leithner (Department Coordinator), Nicola Galgano (Team Leader), Ilagnayeru Manickam (Team Leader), Marco Dings (Team Leader), Benjamin Trenkle (Team Leader), Stefan Wajda (Team Leader), Philip Walton (Team Leader), George Wilson (J4 Release Lead).
Luca Marzo (Assistant to DC), Puneet Kala (Team Leader), Sandra Decoux (Team Leader), Robert Deutz (Team Leader), David Jardin (Team Leader)
Discussion outline
Report from the Department Coordinator
Harald clarified that Release Leader and the Assistant to the Department Coordinator have voting rights at motions in the Production Department.
Harald shared information about the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Harald shared the results of the recent motions regarding Joomla 4:
MySQL Requirements for Joomla! 4.0 increased to 5.6 (and maybe upgrade to 5.7 during the lifetime of J4), Postgres to 11.0.
Minimum Browser version set to n-2 and drop Internet Explorer support.
Joomla 4
Automated Testing Team
Hannes Upgrades Docker Containers for latest Browser
Upgrade of PHPCS
Upgrade of Codeception
Tried to get the team together, at least to find out who will stay as team member so that a team lead election will be arranged soon.
Bug Squad Team
Discuss to introduce the usage of the github stale bot it can lower a lot the work if configured properly with the project needs.
Organize a bug sprint if the budget permits at a JoomlaDay and/or a live session at the JWC.
Open issues on the tracker are less than 500.
CMS Release Team
Continued to add more imacros ( nothing further since last meeting.
Core Translation Team
Joomla! 3.9.6 language packs are getting released.
The current Lithuvanian language pack is for Joomla! 3.8.10. Working with the translation coordinator to bring the Lithuanian language pack for Joomla! 3.9.6.
Documentation Team
Low activity during the past 2 weeks
George is working on updating / completing content on JDocs (thanks a lot George)
Olivier Laverré (Twister65) wrote a new tutorial about the CLI Database Exporter Importer
How to get developers to document the new J4 features on JDocs? J4 tutorials maintained and needed (list not complete):
Google Summer of Code Team
No Major updates, GSoC projects have started and we will know about the progress after first evaluation, everything in control.
Security Strike Team
JED Security incident kept us pretty busy, details see
Little feedback about the report, very positive feedback form the security industry. -
2FA for Github was approved in the motion, plan to implement it will follow.
Software Architecture & Strategy Working Group
Marco proposed to arrange a short survey amongst major template clubs and extension developers on their commitment and support in the area of using and maintaining the Pattern Library. The first document regarding about the Pattern Library was shared with some major players in the Joomla ecosystem, but a “formal” poll would lay the basis for an informed decision.
Joomla 4
Work on documentation.
Encourage people to look at the open issues in our GitHub project boards.
Thanks to the people at the joomla 4 admin template sprint last weekend.
Work ongoing to get admin template mergeable.
Offline Motions voted before this meeting
PROD2019/004 - Enforce Two Factors Authentication in the Joomla Organization on GitHub.
Proposed by David Jardin - Motion passed by majority (8 votes in favour, 2 against).
PROD2019/005 - Change minimum version requirements for all browsers to n-2 and drop support for Internet Explorer.
Proposed by Harald Leithner - Motion passed by majority (7 votes in favour, 1 against).
PROD2019/006 - MySQL requirements for Joomla 4:
Option A = Keep MySQL 5.5 (EOL);
Option B = Upgrade to MySQL 5.6 and keep it;
Option C = MySQL 5.6 and upgrade it with a Minor.
Proposed by Harald Leithner - Option C collected the highest number of votes. (6 voted for C, 4 voted for B, 0 voted for A).