By Llewellyn van der Merwe on 2021-08-25 21:24 in Production


Production Dept. Meeting MINUTES
- August  10, 2021

Participants: Benjamin Trenkle (Team Leader), David Jardin (Team Leader), George Wilson (Release Lead 4.0), Harald Leithner (Release Lead 3.9), Christiane Maier-Stadtherr (Team Leader), Llewellyn van der Merwe (Assistant Department Coordinator), Jacob Waisner (Team Leader), Niels Braczek (Team Leader), Shivam Rajput (Team Leader), Philip Walton (Marketing Liaison), Robert Deutz (Team Leader), Tobias Zulauf (Release Lead 3.10)
Absent with notice: Sigrid Gramlinger (Team Leader), Marco Dings (Department Coordinator), Hannes Papenberg (Team Leader)
Absent without notice: Mike Brandner (Team Leader)

Production Department Coordinator (Marco Dings)

  • This page still lists Nicola as Bug Squad Team Lead? Who takes care of that page? Luca or Production? And who decides which person gets listed there?
    • Decision: We will list the following People: JBS Team Lead, Maintenance Team Lead, Production Department Coordinator, Security Strike Team Lead and the current Release Leads.

Security Strike Team (David Jardin)

  • J4 has been reviewed to make sure that all 3.x patches have been applied correctly
  • Next 3.x security release is scheduled for 3.10.1

Automated Testing Team (Hannes Papenberg)

  • Looking for more advanced developer volunteers.

Release Leads (Benjamin Trenkle, George Wilson, Tobias Zulauf, Harald Leithner)

* Release lead 4.1 (Benjamin Trenkle)

  • ToDo: enable Nightly Builds for Joomla! 4.1

* Release lead 4.0 (George Wilson):

  • Joomla 4.0.0 RC6 due tonight. Stable next week. This should be close enough to the final version of the packages to be shipped.

* Release lead 3.10 (Tobias Zulauf):

  • Joomla 3.10.0-rc2 to be released right after this meeting
  • The merging of 3.10-dev into staging and renamed staging back to 3.10-dev resulted in 11 PRs being closed by GitHub (86 where moved successfully). The reason was that the original author deleted the forks where the PRs were built on so GitHub did not have a base to do the rebasement. I have commented on the PRs to let the creator know why GitHub closed the PRs.
  • Finally the 3.10 strings can also be translated on the Crowdin infrastructure.
  • I have submitted an article to the magazine about the End of Support Plugin

* Release lead 3.9 (Harald Leithner):

  • Joomla 3.10 merged in to staging so the final steps for the end of 3.9 are made

* Maintainer Framework (Niels Braczek):

  • No objections releasing Framework 2.0
  • Framework License is no longer being changed to LGPL.

Updates/Proposed Topics:

  • Harald offers to run for RL 4.2

Google Summer of Code Joomla “Students Contribution” Team (Shivam Rajput)

  • Google Summer of Code Final Evaluation is going to start from 23 Aug
  • Summer of Code First Evaluation begins on 15 August.

Other Business

  • Marketing timeline (Joomla 4 release) for internal use was made available.

Finalized Motions

Harald Leithner volunteered to stand for release lead of Joomla 4.2
Was nominated by George Wilson, seconded by Robert Deutz

  • 11 in favor
  • none against
  • none abstained