By Llewellyn van der Merwe on 2021-11-19 14:50 in Production

Production Dept. Meeting MINUTES
- November  16, 2021

Participants: Benjamin Trenkle (Team Leader), David Jardin (Team Leader), Harald Leithner (Release Lead 4.2), Christiane Maier-Stadtherr (Team Leader), Viviana Menzel (Assistant Team Leader), Jacob Waisner (Team Leader), Niels Braczek (Team Leader), Sigrid Gramlinger (Team Leader), Shivam Rajput (Team Leader), Philip Walton (Marketing Liaison), Robert Deutz (Team Leader), Tobias Zulauf (Release Lead 3.10)
Absent with notice: Llewellyn van der Merwe (Assistant Department Coordinator), George Wilson (Release Lead 4.0), Hannes Papenberg (Team Leader)
Absent without notice: Marco Dings (Department Coordinator), Mike Brandner (Team Leader)

Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Shivam Rajput)

  • GSoC
    • Meeting this week to discuss the GSoC 2022 Prep
    • Multiple changes to the GSoC 2022 criteria
      • Starting in 2022, the program will be open to all newcomers of open source that are 18 years and older, no longer focusing solely on university students
      • increased flexibility around the timing of projects - there is an option to extend the standard 12 week coding time frame to a maximum of 22 weeks.

Joomla! Accessibility Team (Christiane Maier-Stadtherr)

  • Christiane Maier-Stadtherr are trying to get in contact with a blind a11y specialist for a review of the media manager and use our budget for that.

Security Strike Team (David Jardin)

Release Leads (Benjamin Trenkle, George Wilson, Tobias Zulauf, Harald Leithner)

* Release Lead 4.2 (Harald Leithner):

  • Build a working group or SA&S does it, to create a definition of what's a feature and what’s a bugfix. It’s often hard to decide what should go into a bugfix release or when the release cycle for a minor version ends and only real bugs get fixed and everything else goes into the next minor version.

    => The Software Architecture and Strategy Team (SA&S) will prepare an RFC to specify what is considered a feature and what is considered a bug. That RFC will then be discussed and voted on.

  • Recap our browser version support, does it still fit?
    #PROD2019/005 - Change minimum version requirements for all browsers to n-2 and drop support for Internet Explorer. (per 19/05/16)
    Motion Approved with 7 in favor, 1 against and 0 abstained
    More information

* Release Lead 4.1 (Benjamin Trenkle)

  • In process of getting the features done => testers needed

Software Architecture & Strategy Team (Niels Braczek)

  • We’re concerned about our Vice President refusing to accept decisions.
  • This BuiltWith graph suggests that Joomla currently is in the decay phase of its product life cycle. We need a more aggressive outreach to the press about Joomla and its features, e.g., create press releases and/or write articles not only for our own magazine.