By Llewellyn van der Merwe on 2022-03-16 15:02 in Production

Production Dept. Meeting MINUTES
- March  08, 2022

Participants: Benjamin Trenkle (Department Coordinator), David Jardin (Team Leader), Hannes Papenberg (Team Leader), Harald Leithner (Release Lead 5.0), Franciska Perisa (Release Lead 4.2), Christiane Maier-Stadtherr (Team Leader), Viviana Menzel (Assistant Team Leader), Llewellyn van der Merwe (Assistant Department Coordinator), Jacob Waisner (Team Leader), Niels Braczek (Team Leader), Sigrid Gramlinger (Team Leader), Shivam Rajput (Team Leader), Robert Deutz (Team Leader)
Absent with notice: Tobias Zulauf (Release Lead 3.10), Roland Dalmulder (Release Lead 4.2), Philip Walton (Marketing Liaison), George Wilson (Release Lead 4.0)
Absent without notice: Mike Brandner (Team Leader)

Production Department Coordinator (Benjamin Trenkle)

  • Mid- and long term goals sheets created. Motion coming up if this is the way to go. Will write regular magazine articles to display progress.
  • Will ask board to downgrade “JavaScript Working Group” to a real working group

Bug Squad Team (Jacob Waisner)

  • Bugsquad Public Channel - Restart
  • Meeting with 4.2 RLs in the next 2 week to align with JBS

Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Shivam Rajput)

  • Joomla! Got selected for GSoC 2022
  • Student Application window opens on 4 April

Working groups

  • The Update Framework (TUF)
    The TUF will be part of the Cloudfest Hackthon March 19-21, we had a meeting with Christopher Gervais from Drupal, he showed us the TUF Server side implementation created for Drupal. We also got access to the git repository to play with it and prepare for the hackathon.

Joomla! Accessibility Team (Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Viviana Menzel)

  • We want to have a sprint. TBC
    We found out that the core accessibility plugins have some issues. JAT and release leads should work tight together to make Joomla really accessible.

Security Strike Team (David Jardin)

  • Numerous security-related tickets on the public tracker are monitored and processed by the team.
  • Harald arranged a call with a Drupal community member working on the Drupal TUF implementation.
  • TUF sprint will take place at CloudFest Hackathon on March 19-21

Automated Testing Team (Hannes Papenberg)

  • Working on support for MariaDB

Releaseleads (Harald, Niels, Roland, Franciska, Benjamin, George, Tobias, Llewellyn)

* Release Lead 4.2 (Roland Dalmulder, Franciska Perisa)

  • Still setting up a roadmap with the new feedback, planning a meeting with Jacob, will attend Hackathon

* Release Lead 4.1 (Benjamin Trenkle)

  • Reset Release times to 4pm UTC again

* Maintainer Framework (Niels Braczek)

  • Defined a procedure for publishing security patches for the Framework in coordination with the CMS.
  • Checking packages for PHP 8.1 readiness.
  • Autogenerated API documentation? How does it work? How is it triggered?
    ⇒ needs to be re-done, since there was no hand-over of the existing (?) procedure.

Other Business

  • Release Sponsoring