Production Dept. Meeting August 06, 2024
By Christiane Maier-Stadtherr on 2024-08-10 08:53 in Production
Duration: 5 minutes
Sigrid Gramlinger (DC), Benjamnin Trenkle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, David Jardin, Dieter Ziller, Martin Kopp, Olivier Buisard
Production Department Coordinator (Sigrid Gramlinger)
Philip Walton provided release notes for Joomla releases for many years, but steps back now. We are looking for someone to take over this task.
Release notes are responsibility of marketing and need knowledge of the product but the target group are users who are informed about new features and improvements.
Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Olivier Buisard)
EDT process discussions on how to pick enhancements and follow projects, what are the criteria to create working groups.
Security Strike Team (David Jardin)
TinyMCE in J 4.x is out of security support from the vendor. Backporting the changes from the newer versions seems non-trivial. Is it possible to break the b/c policy to switch to a supported version? David Jardin will start a motion.
Automated Testing Team (Allon Moritz)
- Finishing small stuff for the next joomla cypress release.
- Reduced the system tests on pr commits from 4 to to mysql min and postgres max.
Releasemanagers (names in alphabetical order)
Release 4.4 (Allon Moritz, Martin Kopp):
Preparing 4.4.7 - Building the packages expected to be done over the next weekend
Discussion on how to make authors and contributors to documentation and manual mor visible and honour their commitment