Production Dept. Meeting September 03, 2024
By Christiane Maier-Stadtherr on 2024-09-10 06:44 in Production
Duration: 38 minutes
Sigrid Gramlinger, Benjamnin Trenkle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Dieter Ziller, Hannes Papenberg, Harald Leither, Martin Kopp, Olivier Buisard, Peter Martin, Philip Walton, Robert Deutz, Viviana Menzel
Production Department Coordinator (Sigrid Gramlinger)
- The motion PROD2024/008 "Update Joomla 4.x to TinyMCE 6.x to switch to a supported version" passed with 9 in favour, 1 against and 4 abstain.
- The former JXT Channel on mattermost will be renamed as there is no JXT Team any more.
- Hacktoberfest 2024 - We have a tag on github, we will inform people and invite them to participate
Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Olivier Buisard)
Main discussion of the last meeting was about the Joomla Health Checker proposed by Phil. More discussions in the next meeting.
Joomla! Accessibility and Usability Team (Christiane Maier-Stadtherr)
We aim to have VPAT for Joomla. Marketing will be involved. No time frame, due to lack of resources.
Security Strike Team (David Jardin)
Bugfix releases for Pagination behaviour change has been released
CMS Maintenance Team (Robert Deutz)
Team helped to get the hotfix out of the door (see Security Strike Team)
Automated Testing Team (Allon Moritz)
- Work is in progress for more stabilisation
- Had an issue where drone disk was full
- Looking into parallel testing
Releasemanagers (names in alphabetical order)
Release 5.2 (Hannes Papenberg, Peter Martin):
Joomla 5.2.0 Beta 2 released
Documentation Team (Dieter Ziller)
- Still not enough participation in documentation.
- Automatic translation of the help pages is underway.