By Sigrid Gramlinger on 2024-10-04 06:32 in Production

Duration: 1 hour 15 Mins


Sigrid Gramlinger, Benjamin Trenkle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Dieter Ziller, Hannes Papenberg,  Harald Leithner, Gary Barclay, Heiko Lübbe, Martin Kopp, Martina Scholz, Olivier Buisard, Peter Martin, Richard Fath, Robert Deutz, Cliff Ford (Guest)

Production Department Coordinator (Sigrid Gramlinger)

    1. Current situation with WikiMedia for Joomla Help and Documentation

    2. Proposed solution: 

      1. Help pages as MD

        1. Structure (Current or Cliff’s version?)

        2. Screenshots

        3. Crowdin and Translations

      2. Tutorials - use Joomla/Github/other System for Tutorials/Docs/Cookbooks

        1. Analysis of current structure

        2. New structure

        3. Only English

        4. Translate later with AI

      3. Freeze MediaWiki

      4. Other Content

        1. Analysis of still used (linked) pages

        2. Move to joomla websites


Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Olivier Buisard)

Concept demo of the health checker, really promising feature.

CMS Release Team (Benjamin Trenkle)

Successful 5.2 RC 1 release today
RM 5.3 through maintainers (Features, Decisions, Releases)

Release 6.0 (Philip Walton, Gary Barclay)

Health checker in development with the enhancements team

Release 5.2 (Hannes Papenberg, Peter Martin)

Joomla 5.2.0 RC1 was released. Hopefully this can also be the final release already.

Release 4.4 (Allon Moritz, Martin Kopp)

Release 4.4.9 RC1 will be published next Tuesday 8.10., will be built 5.10.

Maintainer Docker (Llewellyn van der Merwe)

Joomla 5.2.0 RC1 image was released.