Production Dept. Meeting December 10 2024
By Christiane Maier-Stadtherr on 2024-12-17 08:24 in Production
Duration: 12 Mins.
Sigrid Gramlinger,
Benkamin Trenkle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Harald Leithner, Herman Peeren, Heiko Lübbe, Olivier Buisard, Richard Fath, Robert Deutz
Production Department Coordinator (Sigrid Gramlinger)
Motion PROD2024/010 was rejected (Cookie Manager from GSOC2021 in Joomla Core)
2 in favour, 10 against, 3 abstained
Bug Squad Team (Martin Kopp)
Meeting held 2024-12-09
Joomla! Enhancement Development Team (Olivier Buisard)
Great advances in the Migration Tool (Wordpress to Joomla) thanks mostly to Hannes and a handful of testers who help identify issues.
Documentation Team (Herman Peeren)
Work has been and is being done in 4 subteams, but the deadlines I’ve put on some goals were probably a little bit too optimistic and have to be adjusted.
Software Architecture & Strategy Team (Harald Leithner)
Small meeting last week about input class and filtering.