By Christiane Maier-Stadtherr on 2025-01-28 16:30 in Production

Duration: 20 Mins.


Benkamin Trenkle,  David Jardin, Herman Peeren, Heiko Lübbe,  Olivier Buisard, Peter Martin, Richard Fath, Viviana Menzel

Joomla! Accessibility and Usability Team (Christiane Maier-Stadtherr)

Started with new manual structure

Security Strike Team (David Jardin)

Automated-Update initiative is making good progress.

CMS Maintenance Team (Robert Deutz)

We had the cleanup sprint last weekend, we worked on PRs for 5.2 and could close/merge around 30 PRs. Successful meeting.

Releasemanagers (names in alphabetical order)

Release 5.3 (Viviana for Alpha 3):

5.3.0 Alpha 3 released

Documentation Team (Herman Peeren)

Preparing for PBF, with emphasis on user manual and a contribution portal.

Other Business

PBF is up! JUGs are getting contacted this week, so far not much engagement from all the people contacted so far.