By Jaz Parkyn on 2020-11-04 20:29 in Programs

Participants: Jaz Parkyn, Chris Keen, Todd Woodward, Davide Messia, 

Apologies:  Andrea Gentil, Shirielle Williams

Invited Guest: Wilco Alsemgeest


  • Dept 

    • Jaz asked each of the team leaders to ensure that missing minutes are published as soon as possible on the Volunteer Portal. She also explained the importance of circulating and populating agendas ahead of the meeting to help the attendees to properly prepare. Finally, she asked Todd and Davide to reach out to a few members of their teams who have not been present for 5 out of 7 meetings, to enquire the reason for their absence. 

  • JCP 

    • The team meeting from October 28th was postponed, a new meeting will take place in the coming week.

    • TechJoomla hopes to release the LMS language string fix that is preventing testing of the new exam platform as soon as they have completed their internal tests.

    • The team has begun testing the current exam platform on updated PHP, SQL and Moodle versions.

  • VET 

    • Davide explained that the team is defining a rotating meeting time and format to help increase attendance levels from members who are outside of Europe due to the usual meeting time being in unsociable hours.  

    • The team has defined a number of tasks relating to onboarding, the help wanted page on JVP, and the monthly ‘Community Openings’ magazine article. For each of these tasks they have assigned specific members to ensure that these things progress.

    • Chris informed the Department that he wishes to step down as Assistant Team Leader of VET, but that he would like to remain a member. Everyone thanked him for his time.

  • JEO

    • Todd informed the department that the Working Group has decided on their mission statement of “To be a hub of teaching tools and resources for those who want to teach and learn Joomla around the world.” accompanied by the tagline “Entice. Engage. Educate”