
Hi! I'm Rachel. I have been using Joomla since.. forever! I'm the proud owner of my own webdesign company since 2002. Besides building websites I love to sing, walk the dog and contribute to my online and real live communities.

Team Position Role Date Started
CMS Release Team Member Dec 2020
Certification Exam Translations Team Contributor Dutch - Translator Feb 2018
Documentation Translation Team Contributor Translator Jul 2017
Team Position Role Date Started Date Ended
Marketing & Communication Department Coordinator May 2019 Jul 2019

Rachel started building websites in 1998, first with HTML CSS later Mambo (and went with Joomla! when they split up).  She has her own website agency in the Netherlands and builds and maintains websites for small business owners.
When she got in touch with the community she soon fel the need to give something back to the project. Rachel started with the translations team, going to JUG’s and giving presentations and workshops about Joomla. Now she’s active in the Marketing of Joomla. In her free time Rachel sings in a pop choir and is active in her local community.

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