Yiorgos Fakas


First of all Im happy to be part of the Joomla community. As one of the first and active members of the Greek Joomla Community from 2005, I spend a lot of time to support and promote Joomla! in Greece. I manage the company Easylogic and I have based almost all our professional activity on websites, eshop and specialized web services in Joomla

Team Position Role Date Started
Forum Team Contributor Local forum moderator Dec 2017
Joomla! CMS (Core) Language Team Contributor Greek (el-GR) Jul 2021
Team Position Role Date Started Date Ended
Community Translation Team Contributor Greek Translation Feb 2019 Mar 2021

I started to build static websites before 2000. I am working on Joomla from 2005 and I'm excited till today.
As a simple member of the Mambo forum I got informed the summer of 2005  for the upcoming Joomla. In Sept.  I was on of the first members of the Greek Joomla Community. Since then I spend a lot of time to support and promote Joomla!, mainly in Greece, with the organizing of the community and the participation in events and activities for many years until today.
From the first days of Joomla and after years of extremely experience I based  almost all of our professional services of our company on websites, eshop and specialized web services.

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