Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - July 21, 2016

By Luca Marzo on 2016-07-21 13:14 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on July 21th, 2016 on Glip. Team members In attendance: Luca Marzo, Andre Dreier, Richard van Tilborg. Absents: Patrick Jungbluth, Chris Keen, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Hector Mansilla, Sam Suresh,  Arjen Schrijvers, Pablo Pantoja, Todd Woodward. Discussion Outline Luca reported news from Steering Meeting. During last Steering Meeting, Luca, Richard and Sam tried...

Read more: Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - July 21, 2016

JUX Meeting July 19th 2016

By Private Profile 60f01f57 on 2016-07-21 07:07 in User Experience Team

After a short break, we are back in action. This is our first meeting since JAB, which was a great event and the JUX team received much support and direction for the future. Now that J3.6 has been released, our new focus is gathering and implementing user feedback and research into Joomla 3.7.  Our team meeting agenda for this week: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agpsC7fSCKQ0RMefYiZPiHQXzYyLC3QjlaaV-T8OyAc/ A video recording of this weeks...

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8th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016 Improving the menu item workflow

By Private Profile 3ed3e09d on 2016-07-20 00:00 in GSoC 16 Improving the menu item workflow

Date: 20th July 2016 on Glip Chat Time: 14:30 (UTC / GMT) Meeting was attended by: Shubham Rajput, Gunjan Patel, Peter Martin   Presentation and Review on work done previous week This following week my target was to remove all the previous issues associated with the PR: https://github.com/joomla-projects/gsoc16_menu-for-article/pull/6So I coded and removed all the issues except one that required knowledge of AJAX and JSON. This issue will be handled at later stage as advised...

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9th Meeting Joomla GSoC Recording Action Logs Report

By Private Profile 9eb5f8de on 2016-07-19 00:00 in GSoC 16 Recording action logs

Date: 19th JulyTime: 1600 GMTAttended by: Al Walker, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Mohamed KaramQuick catchup tonight to check-in on the current work status.Our milestones are all on GIT, so we know whats left to tackle and our remaining time available. I reminded Mohamed about regular GIT, GLIP updates, and not to wait until our next meeting to see his progress as we are nearing the time in the program where we need to ensure he can contine development without delay, should questions arise. Hes...

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10th Meeting Joomla! GSoC 2016 Automated Testing

By Private Profile b67e8d2f on 2016-07-14 16:25 in GSoC 16 Browser automated tests

Time: Thursday, July 14th, 2016, 14:00 (UTC / GMT) on Glip Meeting was attended by: Prital Patel,  Yves Hoppe, Niels Braczek Topics Presentation and Review Add a testing instruction and introduction of gherkin in Joomla Docs https://docs.joomla.org/Testing_Joomla_Extensions_with_Codeception#BDD_Testing_using_Gherkin_and_Codeception Test the joomla-cms PR for Review and cs for the other files in the install folder https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/10364 Test the...

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Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - July 14, 2016

By Luca Marzo on 2016-07-14 12:46 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on July 14th, 2016 on Glip. Team members In attendance: Patrick Jungbluth, Luca Marzo, Andre Dreier. Absents: Chris Keen, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Hector Mansilla, Sam Suresh,  Arjen Schrijvers, Richard van Tilborg, Pablo Pantoja, Todd Woodward. Discussion Outline Luca reported news from Steering Meeting. OSM Board approved the Student Agreement. Luca sent the...

Read more: Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - July 14, 2016

7th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 3ed3e09d on 2016-07-13 00:00 in GSoC 16 Improving the menu item workflow

Date: 12th July 2016 on Glip Chat Time: 14:30 (UTC / GMT) Meeting was attended by: Shubham Rajput, Gunjan Patel, Peter Martin   Presentation and Review on work done previous week   This week I was mainly focused on solving the bugs and issues in the previous code and commits. One of the main issue was that the field data were not retrieving in the form after opening an article to edit. Because of which user was unable to view the previous menu item that was linked with...

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12th Meeting JavaScript Tests - Joomla! GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 2b8bfa9f on 2016-07-13 00:00 in GSoC 16 JavaScript Tests

Wednesday, 13th July 2016 on Glip Time: 8.00p.m (Colombo Sri Lanka), 4:30 p.m (Munich Germany) Report: Ashan Previous meeting report List of Attendees Overview Mentor   A Student   A Ashan Fernando AF x Ruchiranga Wickramsinghe RW x Yves Hoppe YH x       Agenda / Topics to cover 1. Review During the last week Ruchiranga worked on polishing up the tests written so far...

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8th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 9eb5f8de on 2016-07-13 00:00 in GSoC 16 Recording action logs

Date: 12th JulyTime: 1600 GMTAttended by: Al Walker, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Mohamed Karam We kicked the meeting off running through the latest verion of Mohameds work. Our student was away last week and between family commitments and internet connectivity he has not managed the progress he wanted to during this time. However he is back onto it this week and has full days available again now to work on the project. From our testing, current bugs were noted and discussions had surrounding...

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GSoC 2016: Shareable Draft Content progress evaluation

By Private Profile 66c2bd40 on 2016-07-07 00:00 in GSoC 16 Sharable draft content

Date: 7th July 2016  Time of the meeting: 19:52- 20:27 IST  Attended by: Roland Dalmulder, Rishi Vishwakarma and Nikita Dhiman.  Where: Glip Group chat.   Points Discussed:  The past week saw the improvement in the work flow but still slow as noted by Roland. He found the practice of daily tasks updates [to-do and done today] better and it also helped mentors track the current work flow. Roland advised not to scatter and jump into every area of the project...

Read more: GSoC 2016: Shareable Draft Content progress evaluation

11th Meeting JavaScript Tests - Joomla! GSoC 2016

By on 2016-07-06 16:16 in GSoC 16 JavaScript Tests

Wednesday, 6th July 2016 on Glip Time: 8.00p.m (Colombo Sri Lanka), 5p.m (Munich Germany) Meeting was attended by: Ashan Fernando, Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe, Yves HoppeReport: Ruchiranga Previous meeting report   For an overview about this Google Summer of Code project please take a look at Ruchiranga’s Joomla Community magazine article. Topics ## Reports to volunteer.joomla.org Ruchiranga will be writing the report this week. ## Main Goal for the next weeks The goal in...

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Nuevos Miembros | New Members

By Private Profile e8ed68d4 on 2016-07-06 02:26 in Revista de la comunidad Joomla!

Luego de un llamado a colaboración entre los miembros de autores y colaboradores de la comunidad magazine en Español se llego a la decisión de sumar a dos miembros más a la edición de la revista, le damos una grata bienvenida, ellos son: Andrea Kekan y Carlos Rodriguez quién vuelve a la edición de nuestra revista. After a call for collaboration among members of authors and contributors of the magazine in Spanish community get to the decision to...

Read more: Nuevos Miembros | New Members

Joomla Google Summer of Code Team Report with Statistics

By Private Profile 95792f89 on 2016-07-06 00:00 in Google Summer of Code Joomla Team

GSoC Projects have now reached the midterms. Our students are doing great on improving Joomla! and making it even better. Each of the students exceeded our expectations by far, we are very proud and grateful to have them on our team.   Google Summer of Code is a program that involves a lot of volunteers. Just like GSoC Officially announces statistics, we also decided to share some other statistics with our community.   Let's start with proposals (initial phase of the program)....

Read more: Joomla Google Summer of Code Team Report with Statistics

6th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 3ed3e09d on 2016-07-05 21:28 in GSoC 16 Improving the menu item workflow

Date: 5th July 2016 on Glip Chat Time: 14:30 (UTC / GMT) Meeting was attended by: Shubham Rajput, Gunjan Patel, Peter Martin   Presentation and Review on work done previous week Making the article title and alias into the menu link tab using JavaScript: Completed it and made the necessary commit. Some of the code improvements and problem i faced during coding were suggested by Gunjan and Yves Hoppe.   The problem that I faced were that I was using JavaScript by...

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GSoC 2016: Shareable Draft Content project meeting

By Private Profile 66c2bd40 on 2016-07-04 16:00 in GSoC 16 Sharable draft content

Date: 1st July2016 Time of the meeting: 19:36- 20:48 IST Attended by: Roland Dalmulder, Rishi Vishwakarma and Nikita Dhiman. Where: Glip Group chat. Points Discussed: 1. Time Management: Roland started the meeting this topic as only 6 weeks are available to finish the tasks at hand. Nikita made few suggestions like having a 15 minutes evaluation meeting everyday,and laying out the map for tasks ahead. Roland suggested to complete the tasks at hand first and then plan for new tasks. Rishi...

Read more: GSoC 2016: Shareable Draft Content project meeting

10th Meeting JavaScript Tests - Joomla! GSoC 2016

By Yves Hoppe on 2016-07-02 00:00 in GSoC 16 JavaScript Tests

Friday, 1st July 2016 on Glip Time: 15:00 (UTC) Meeting was attended by: Ashan Fernando, Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe, Yves Hoppe Report: Yves HoppeFor an overview about this Google Summer of Code project please take a look at Ruchirangas Joomla Community magazine article.  Topics ## Main Goal for the next weeks The goal in the next weeks is to setup documentation, polish and iterate over existing tests and make a pull request against Joomla! CMS Core in the next couple of...

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8th Meeting Automated Testing - Joomla! GSoC 2016

By Yves Hoppe on 2016-07-02 00:00 in GSoC 16 Browser automated tests

Friday, July 1st, 2016, 14:00 (UTC / GMT) on Glip Meeting was attended by: Prital Patel, Javier Gomez, Yves Hoppe, Niels Braczek Report: Yves Hoppe For an overview about this Google Summer of Code project please take a look at Pritals Joomla Community magazine article.  Topics ## Presentation and review on the work Prital has done during the last week   Issues fixed and send PR since last meeting 1. Provide a solution for Content and User steps gets mixed on execution...

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JED Team Meeting Notes - 1st July 2016

By Jaz Parkyn on 2016-07-01 14:46 in Extensions Directory Team

Today the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) team met at 2pm GMT via Glip to discuss our progress of current tasks. In attendance: Matthew Baylor, Jaz Parkyn, Luca Marzo, Aleksander Kuczek, Anibal Sanchez Statistics for the month of June 2016 ·         Extensions: 173 submitted, 36 pending with errors, 16 pending review ·         Tickets: 249 submitted, 128...

Read more: JED Team Meeting Notes - 1st July 2016

Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - June 30, 2016

By Luca Marzo on 2016-06-30 15:00 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on June 30th, 2016 on Glip. Team members In attendance: Patrick Jungbluth, Luca Marzo, Andre Dreier, Pablo Pantoja, Todd Woodward, Arjen Schrijvers. Absents: Chris Keen, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Hector Mansilla, Sam Suresh, Richard van Tilborg. Discussion Outline Luca reported news from Steering Meeting. Team is still waiting for Contracts approved by OSM. Luca...

Read more: Certification Operations Team - Meeting Notes - June 30, 2016

24th Meeting for Automated Testing working Group

By Private Profile 92fe67b0 on 2016-06-30 09:23 in Automated Testing Team

Wednesday, 29th of June 2016   Meeting was attended by: Javier Gomez, Niels Braczek, Yves Hoppe, Robert Deutz, Allon Moritz, Marc Widmann, Prital Patel, Guido de Gobbis, Tito Alvarez, Kshitij Sharma, Puneet Kala   Absent: Roger Abt, Tristan Bailey, Viktor Vogel, Michiel Verhoef, Jack Raknailuang, Valerie Isaksen, Dalpat Singh, Victor Escobar, Milton Bryant, Roland Dalmulder, David Jardin, Ashan Fernando, Davide Messia, Yannick Gaultier, Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe, Krys Nuvadga,...

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PLT Meeting, June 23, 2016

By Luca Marzo on 2016-06-29 12:54 in Production Leadership Team

The Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) meets monthly. This meeting was held on June 23rd, 2016 at 22.00 CEST on Glip. Team members In attendance: Roland Dalmulder, Chris Davenport, Robert Deutz, Marco Dings, Luca Marzo, Tessa Mero, Viktor Vogel, George Wilson. Absents: Javier Gomez. Discussion Outline PLT Budget / Google Summer of Code ‘16 Budget (Robert) The budget is still under review / discussion. OSM requested again a huge cut to the budget of PLT and GSoC....

Read more: PLT Meeting, June 23, 2016

Bi-Weekly Meeting: June 28th, 2016

By Private Profile 1ace2a3f on 2016-06-29 00:00 in Capital Team

1) Joe gave an update on the new Ad server he is working on. He has been working on getting it online across J sites.2) We discussed the application for a new member to join the capital team. Decided to offer provisional contributor role. If they accept would get trained in by Joe to Help for ad server initially.3) We also discussed the multiple lost opportunities to generate the project a significant amount of revenue over the past year. The capital team has worked in good faith with multiple...

Read more: Bi-Weekly Meeting: June 28th, 2016

6th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 9eb5f8de on 2016-06-28 00:00 in GSoC 16 Recording action logs

Date: 28th JuneTime: 1600 GMTAttended by: Al Walker, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Mohamed Karam Good meeting, always good to catch up and Skype has played fair with us to date.. (besides a few Audio issues from a guy who has an Audio Engineering diploma..) damm diplomas.. not worth the paper they are written on! Anyhow,Mohamed has spent time since our last call on the SORTING of his logs and has implemented the Joomla Search Function which has also resolved tehe sorting issues.Users can now...

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5th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 3ed3e09d on 2016-06-28 00:00 in GSoC 16 Improving the menu item workflow

Date: 28st Jun 2016 on Glip Chat  Time: 14:30 (UTC / GMT) Meeting was attended by: Shubham Rajput, Gunjan Patel, Peter Martin   Congratulate Shubham on passing his midterm evaluation and his thoughts about it   Peter and Gunjan congratulate Shubham for passing his midterm evaluation. Here is the words from Shubham what he has experienced and how he is feeling after passing midterm evaluation. “It’s been an awesome journey till now with joomla and you...

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MWG LT Meeting - June 21 2016

By Private Profile 856e51e5 on 2016-06-27 10:09 in Marketing Team

Meeting notes from the meeting can be found at : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1coH0iJbMFC5fWFxThxl2TVw7fEwM_e9xZFIFPlMCpfI/edit?usp=sharing

Read more: MWG LT Meeting - June 21 2016

MWG Sprint - May 2016 - J&Beyond

By Private Profile 856e51e5 on 2016-06-27 10:05 in Marketing Team

Meeting notes can be found at : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HHGCztieRxQZwdn2FFqIHjxNfzm8ktSycCqTkJP1cug/edit?usp=sharing

Read more: MWG Sprint - May 2016 - J&Beyond

9th Meeting JavaScript Tests - Joomla! GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 2b8bfa9f on 2016-06-24 00:00 in GSoC 16 JavaScript Tests

Topics ## Reports to volunteer.joomla.org Ashan will be writing the report this week. ## Presentation and review on the work Ruchiranga has done during the last week During last week Ruchiranga finished writing tests for the Permissions.js library and made a PR with the changes. https://github.com/joomla-projects/gsoc16_js-unit-tests/pull/13 ## Uncertainties, problems and open questions to resolve Keeping karma-jasmine up-to-date by running 'npm update'...

Read more: 9th Meeting JavaScript Tests - Joomla! GSoC 2016

Shareable Draft Content Project Meeting (24th June 2016)

By Private Profile 66c2bd40 on 2016-06-24 00:00 in GSoC 16 Sharable draft content

Date: 24th June 2016 Time of the meeting: 19:32- 20:33 IST Attended by: Roland Dalmulder, Rishi Vishwakarma and Nikita Dhiman. Where: Glip Group chat.     Points Discussed: 1. The Test: Rishi decided to give a test to Nikita on topics like Joomla MVC, coding style and debugging. The main idea behind the test was to help her refresh the concepts as well as provide valuable tips. Rishi asked about JTable and how the same would be implemented with the help of examples. Nikita...

Read more: Shareable Draft Content Project Meeting (24th June 2016)

5th Meeting Joomla GSoC 2016

By Private Profile 9eb5f8de on 2016-06-23 17:00 in GSoC 16 Recording action logs

Date: 23rd JuneTime: 1600 GMTAttended by: Al Walker, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Mohamed Karam This was our second group call this week, having had a short 30min meeting 2 days back.Llewellyn spent time with Mohamed after our call to understand some issues he was having with the general "understanding and concepts" surrounding Joomla development. This has been something Mohamed had raised on during our call and since then Mohamed has made good progress over the past couple of days.He has...

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7th Meeting Joomla! GSoC 2016 Automated Testing

By Niels Braczek on 2016-06-23 15:27 in GSoC 16 Browser automated tests

Thursday, June 23th, 2016, 14:00 (UTC / GMT) on Google Hangout Meeting was attended by: Prital Patel, Javier Gomez, Yves Hoppe, Niels Braczek, Puneet Kala Previous report: 5th Meeting GSoC 16 Browser automated tests Topics Presentation and Review During the last week, Prital worked on these tasks:1. Implementing com_users backend scenario in step and page object https://github.com/joomla-projects/gsoc16_browser-automated-tests/pull/25/commits/c15e3698c236483f89f312dda4b77dbdc3416b8e In...

Read more: 7th Meeting Joomla! GSoC 2016 Automated Testing