Joomla Accessibility Team - Meeting September 14, 2022
By Viviana Menzel on 2022-09-26 20:04 in Joomla Accessibility and Usability Team
Attendees: Crystal, Chrisitane, Viviana, Benjamin, Achilleas, Carlos
- The team actualized the tasks for the next quarter
- Crystal will work on improvements for the alt text and table captions
- The GSoC project on the accessibility plugin is over, PRs merges and tests will be done in the next few weeks. Viviana had a meeting with Olivier and Shirielle, who want to include the improvements on the plugin in Joomla 4.3
- We would like to have a webinar about using screen readers. Could be a part for the manual / a11y documentation
- We would also like to make accessibility in Joomla more public, reach out conferences / magazines outside of the Joomla bubble (Carlos has submitted a session to a WordPress conference)
- We discussed the possibility to add some automatic testing tool for checking accessibility on PRs, but sadly AXE linter doesn’t support PHP
- Crystal talked about the new UX team (Joomla Experience Team) she is leading. JAT and JET will work closely together
- Benjamin will reach out to GAAD foundation again to prepare the Joomla GAAD pledge
- We discussed about the accessibility on 3rd party templates and how we can reach out template providers to sensitize them to accessibility