By Armen Mnatsian on 2018-05-30 17:13 in Joomla Accessibility and Usability Team

Joomladay Paris, from 18th May till 19th May, were two fantastic days and a great opportunity to meet the French Joomla family.

Thank you  Joomla Community France for the invitation to Joomladay Paris,  And a special thanks to Simon Grange and Guillaume Boutin who made this possible.

During this time,  I met with a number of Joomlers who have great ideas for Joomla, as well as developers who are ready to contribute to the development of the Joomla 4 code.

Like Pascal Leconte, who has several extensions for Joomla 3.x.
I suggested that Pascal contributed now, and be part of the team making the changes for Joomla 4 happen. You can find Pascal on GitHub.

French Accessibility Awareness

I was happily surprised to see how many people in the community are aware of accessibility and are trying to deliver accessible websites.

Catherine Mollet CEO of a web agency in France showed great interest in accessibility. Similary from a web agency in France, Céline Robert, Yannick Berges and the student Baptiste are very enthusiastic about accessibility and understand the importance of this topic.

They are all working on a project with people who have disabilities. And they are all building accessible websites. For Joomla, this is good news.

As we are progressing towards the launch of  Joomla 4, it would be an ideal time to share our knowledge and contribute to the project. At the end of the day,  we want to make Joomla 4 WCAG 2.0 AA compliant. I happily welcome you to the accessibility team and look forward to seeing your assistance as we test as well as your own and contributions to our work.

The Not-told-accessibility story

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a guy called Mikael who said he wanted to contribute to the Joomla Accessibility Team. He explained that they have a team with experience to  build a public accessible catalogue and they also have experience with building accessible websites.

We met in Paris and discussed the importance of  making Joomla 4 WCAG 2.0 AA compliant. I explained that we are in a unique position where we can make Joomla 4 accessible as it is being built, instead of doing the work afterwards.

So I’m proudly welcoming you guys to our team, to make it happen!

I also met Stéphane Longeaux and Samuel Vatier in Paris, here you can find there repository of their work on GitHub template_RGAA_C3rb