By Private Profile e2fc92e2 on 2018-10-20 01:01 in Advisory Board


  • Ken Crowder
  • Chuck Wadlow


  • John Rampton


  1. Read what our official directives are as stated in the By-Laws.
  2. How often should we meet?
  3. What is our goal and how do we intend to advise and support the Joomla Project.
  4. Are we proactive in giving advice or are we responsive to inquiries from the Board of Directors? Or Both?


  1. (Ken) Ask the Board of Directors if there are any format rules or procedures that we legally must be doing as an Advisory Board for a Non-Profit Corporation in the state of New York.
  2. As a group, we will both advise when we feel needed to as well as accept any questions or inquiries from the Board of Directors.
  3. (Ken) The Advisory Board would like the Board of Directors to evaluate what should be done during elections in case of a tie. During Transition, this came up and could have been an issue if one of the two parties had not conceded.
  4. (Ken) The Advisory Board would like the Board of Directors to consider new members of the Joomla Advisory Board. Currently, all members on this team are from the US. We recommend finding individuals from other countries to join the team.


November 29, 2018 / 22:00 UTC / Glip