23th Meeting for Automated Testing working Group
By Yves Hoppe on 2016-06-04 06:42 in Automated Testing Team
Wednesday, 1st of June 2016
Meeting was attended by: Javier Gomez, Niels Braczek, Yves Hoppe, Kshitij Sharma, Juan Sánchez, Francisco Javier Olivares, Juan Sánchez, Yannick Gaultier
Absent: Roger Abt, Tristan Bailey, Viktor Vogel, Michiel Verhoef, Jack Raknailuang, Valerie Isaksen, Dalpat Singh, Victor Escobar, Tito Alvarez, Milton Bryant, Roland Dalmulder, David Jardin, Prital Patel, Ashan Fernando, Davide Messia, Robert Deutz, Puneet Kala, Allon Moritz, Marc Widmann, Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe, Krys Nuvadga, Jelle Kok
Previous meeting report: https://volunteers.joomla.org/reports/221-22th-meeting-for-automated-testing-working-group and https://volunteers.joomla.org/reports/239-make-it-happen-2016-report-of-the-joomla-automated
Topics Covered in the Meeting:
## Welcomes and See you laters
We have more than 15 new members from Make it happen at JAB
## JandBeyond Make it happen
## JandBeyond presentations (Youtube) related to testing:
## Google Summer of Code 2016
Project “automated browser testing” (Prital Patel): We finalized the testing structure (some of you already worked on it for automated testing) with Codeception 2.2 and Travis. Prital implemented some feature files for com_content and started with some user related ones: https://github.com/joomla-projects/gsoc16_browser-automated-tests/pull/18
Project “JavaScript unit testing” (Ruchiranga): Also finalized the techinical architecture (With Jasmine and Karma also on Travis) and now actively working on new tests. JCaption was tested first and already covered. And Ruchiranga is now working on the validator.js library.
In both projects a lot of things are already done, considering that the coding phase started just about one week ago.
More informations on both projects can also be found on the next issue of the magazine.joomla.org. The students have prepared great articles.
## Gherkin
Codeception 2.2 with Gherkin support will be released soon.
First extension for Codeception:
## Codeception tests for Joomla core
There are several pull requests open from Make it happen and we have a lot of tests to create.
For example:
## Codeception tests for Weblinks
There are several pull requests awaiting merges related to responsive design.
Chris D. did work on tests for smart search:
## JoomlaBrowser
https://packagist.org/packages/joomla-projects/joomla-browser (20 655 installs) about 2000 more than last meeting.
Update to Joomla Browser 3.6.0 (we had some changes in joomla core which needed to be addressed)
## Selenium server standalone:
Version was updated to
Jelles pull was merged: https://github.com/joomla-projects/selenium-server-standalone/pull/10 adding descriptions on how to use different Webdrivers (like Chrome etc.) on every major OS.
We still need more testers and improve the instructions.
## Running system tests on Docker Containers (Tito, Robert, Niels, Yannick)
Yannick: The question was how can tests be ran in parallel. Some work has been done to put testing environment in docker containers, and I started from there, trying to make this run on gitlab.com.
It was a bit difficult, mostly due to lack of information of what each "piece" in that puzzle required in terms of settings and variables. After thinking a bit about it, I'm not so sure anymore the approach taken is the easiest path. Currently, there are multiple containers, some for mysql, some for php, some for Selenium this makes it hard in the context of gitlab to run parallel tests.
So instead I am now looking at creating a container that contains everything so that one can either spin multiple tests on multiple machines, or on one single machine if resources allow
I intent to explore this direction and will let you know if anything useful comes out of it
## Documentation
No updates at https://docs.joomla.org/Testing_Joomla_Extensions_with_Codeception
## Unit Tests status
No updates
## Tests in Joomla X
No updates
## QA Scripts (Code Style) and others at Jorobo project
No updates
## Testing Code Sprint
Next Code Sprint (https://docs.joomla.org/Code_sprints) will be probably happening in October. More news will be available in the next Team meeting.
## Next meeting
24th Automated Testing Team Meeting
Wednesday, June 22 2016 at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=24+automated+testing+working+group+meeting&iso=20160622T16&p1=31&ah=1