By Private Profile 12e2a7ef on 2018-02-10 14:01 in Certification Exam & Platform Team

The Joomla! Certification Eaxm and Platform Team held a ‘sprint’ in Essen, Germany preceding and during the Joomla!Camp on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of February 2018

Those present were: Wilco Alsemgeest; Jeroen Moolenschot, Yves Hoppe; Chris Keen

During the sprint the team worked on the following:

Exam translation:

Crowdin: We decided to implement Crowdin for carrying out the translations.

Yves built a QMS XML export for the English question and answers.

The XML’s (per question category) were then imported into Crowdin for the following languages: Dutch; French; German; Italian; Polish and Spanish. Italian had already partially translated.

Dutch: Four Dutch translators and an Approver have joined the Dutch translation team and started on Crowdin.

German: One German translator and an Approver have joined the German translation team and started on Crowdin.

We created an ‘onboarding’ message for the co-ordinators and translators, providing information over their role, the process, systems and contacts.


At the moment we have two websites ‘exam’ and ‘certification’ Information is currently divided over these two sites, we have decided to integrate these as far as possible. All ‘Public documentation’ including the F.A.Q.’s) have been moved from the Exam website to the Certification site. (

Learning Management system (LMS)

The JCP currently uses an external open source LMS for the examinations. Not only does this mean demand extra maintenance but it is not fully integrated with Joomla. To simplify the process for the JCP and supervisors we are planning to migrate to a Joomla! based LMS / exam system.

We carried out a Fit / Gap analysis for the Shika LMS from TechJoomla. Any gaps were assigned a MoSCoW label and a priority. Where necessary additional specifications were written for the ‘gaps’.

The most important issues were shared directly with TechJoomla.

Volunteer Portal

The Volunteer portal was updated to reflect the current structure of the JCP and a number of new positions created.


Glip teams have been added for all the proposed translation languages and for the Liaison and Coordinators / translators.