By Luca Marzo on 2016-03-17 13:53 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operation Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on March 17th, 2016 on Glip.

Team members

In attendance: Patrick Jungbluth, Luca Marzo, Todd Woodward, Pablo Pantoja.

Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Richard Van Tilborg, Arjen Schrijvers, Andre Dreier, Sam Suresh.

Discussion Outline

  • Patrick proposed Luca as new Assistant Team Leader, team voted and confirmed.

  • Patrick reported news from the Steering Meeting.

  • Update from the Exam Team: only 35 questions to go.

  • Lawyers are currently working on the contracts, we’ll receive the final, approved version, soon.

  • Platform Team is currently working on the Certified Users Directory, a demo was shown.

  • Luca published the new ticket system of the Certification Team. It’s available at

  • Pablo will work to improve the responsivity of the helpdesk system.

  • Patrick is trying to receive access Analytics for the Certification Website.

  • Patrick will setup the forward settings of the mailbox certification[AT]

  • Luca proposed a code for approved JLPs, each approved Joomla! Learning Partner will receive its code like the following: JLP-CC-XXX where CC is the country code and XXX is a 3 digit number.


All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.

Meeting ends after 50 minutes.