By Luca Marzo on 2016-03-24 14:00 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operation Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on March 24th, 2016 on Glip.

Team members

In attendance: Patrick Jungbluth, Luca Marzo, Todd Woodward, Pablo Pantoja, Richard Van Tilborg, Arjen Schrijvers.

Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Andre Dreier, Sam Suresh.

Discussion Outline

  • Patrick and Luca reported news from the Steering Meeting.

  • Certification Program will start officially in mid-april because of the trademark issue of the badges and delay with Contract approval.

  • The whole Certification Team will perform the Pilot Test of the Certification Platform.

  • Team will start screening process of JUGs and JoomlaDays applications.

  • Luca will contact JRD Team to talk about a dedicated category for approved JLPs.

  • Team discussed about the use of the word “Proctor” and difference of meaning between English (GB) and English (US), as reported by Hils on Github . Team decided to use “Supervisor” instead of Proctor.

  • Only approved trusted community members can supervise exam sessions at JUGs, JoomlaDays.

  • Team discussed about the implementation of the “Plan a session” feature of the Certification Website. We would have a form where approved JLPs and JUGs will ask for an Exam Session. Team will publish approved sessions in a public “Calendar” on the website, where users can view all the planned sessions. Team will find an extension and will implement it together with Certification Marketing Team.

  • András from the Marketing Team fixed the bootstrap issue on our Support Helpdesk and Team closed this issue on GitHub:

  • Marketing Team will publish the exam pricelist on the Certification Website.


All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.

Meeting ends after 60 minutes.