By Luca Marzo on 2016-08-25 12:42 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on August, 25th, 2016 on Glip.


Team members

In attendance: Luca Marzo, Patrick Jungbluth, Andre Dreier, Oscar Ortiz, Pablo Pantoja, Arjen Schrijvers.

Absents: Chris Keen, Sam Suresh, Richard van Tilborg, Hector Mansilla, Johan Van der Velde, Todd Woodward.

Discussion Outline

  • Luca reported news from Steering Meeting.

  • Contracts have been approved by the Board of Open Source Matters.

  • Early next week, COT will start deploying contracts to JLPs, JUGs and JoomlaDay organizers who are in “Ready to Sign” status.

  • Johan is close to finish the screening and evaluation process of the current applications as Regional Coordinator.

  • The application process for Regional Coordinators has been redesigned:

  • Team developed also a new screening form for these applications in order to have a standard processing model for all the applications.

  • Team received, evaluated, pre-approved 2 applications as JoomlaDay for coming months:

    • JoomlaDay Poland with Richard van Tilborg as Supervisor (September 24, 2016)

    • JoomlaDay Denver (USA) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (October 1, 2016)

  • Certification Program will be available from September 2016.

  • COT is working on an evaluation poll to receive feedbacks (about Experience, Quality, Process) from Exam candidates.

  • Processed applications, without any answer from the applicant, will be rejected automatically after 30 days.

  • All pending/incomplete applications as Joomla! Learning Partner will be rejected next days and people will be invited to re-submit the application using the new form.


All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.

Meeting ends after 40 minutes.