Certification Operations Team - Meeting notes - August 25, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-08-25 12:42 in Certification Operations Team
The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on August, 25th, 2016 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Patrick Jungbluth, Andre Dreier, Oscar Ortiz, Pablo Pantoja, Arjen Schrijvers.
Absents: Chris Keen, Sam Suresh, Richard van Tilborg, Hector Mansilla, Johan Van der Velde, Todd Woodward.
Discussion Outline
Luca reported news from Steering Meeting.
Contracts have been approved by the Board of Open Source Matters.
Early next week, COT will start deploying contracts to JLPs, JUGs and JoomlaDay organizers who are in “Ready to Sign” status.
Johan is close to finish the screening and evaluation process of the current applications as Regional Coordinator.
The application process for Regional Coordinators has been redesigned: https://certification.joomla.org/contribute/regional-coordinator
Team developed also a new screening form for these applications in order to have a standard processing model for all the applications.
Team received, evaluated, pre-approved 2 applications as JoomlaDay for coming months:
JoomlaDay Poland with Richard van Tilborg as Supervisor (September 24, 2016)
JoomlaDay Denver (USA) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (October 1, 2016)
Certification Program will be available from September 2016.
COT is working on an evaluation poll to receive feedbacks (about Experience, Quality, Process) from Exam candidates.
Processed applications, without any answer from the applicant, will be rejected automatically after 30 days.
All pending/incomplete applications as Joomla! Learning Partner will be rejected next days and people will be invited to re-submit the application using the new form.
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 40 minutes.