COT - Meeting notes - September 08, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-09-08 13:15 in Certification Operations Team
The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on September 8th, 2016 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Patrick Jungbluth, Andre Dreier, Pablo Pantoja, Arjen Schrijvers, Oscar Ortiz.
Absents: Chris Keen, Sam Suresh, Hector Mansilla, Johan Van der Velde, Todd Woodward, Richard van Tilborg.
Discussion Outline
Luca reported news from the last whole Certification Team meeting.
Team discussed again about the “advantage” for some JLPs and the creation of a Learning Guide.
Arjen shared a draft of the Learning Guide for JLPs.
Official Joomla! Learning Partners number grew to 12.
Luca asked Radek Suski to help fixing some issues in the Exam Calendar.
Sam provided a way that allows COT to ask the JLP registration in the Exam Platform.
Richard published the price for Guatemala.
COT received a request from El Salvador. In order to calculate the price for this Country, COT needs to know the price of 1 Big Mac from Mcdonald's in El Salvador, if someone knows the price, please send us this information at .
Luca asked other Certification Teams to publish regularly meeting reports on the Volunteers Portal, in order to improve the transparency.
Marketing Team is working hard to complete the Welcome Packs for JLPs / JUGs / JoomlaDays, and also banners, flyers, Landing Page and other documents.
JoomlaDay Italy retired its application to host an Exam Session in november due to logistics issues.
First exam sessions at Community events will be:
JoomlaDay Poland with Richard van Tilborg as Supervisor (September 24, 2016)
JoomlaDay Denver (USA) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (October 1, 2016)
Joomla! World Conference (Canada) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (November 11, 2016)
After the evaluation of all applications as Regional Coordinators, COT is proud to announce that the onboarding process is starting.
Regional Coordinators will be involved as Contributors of the Certification Operations Team and we’ll create a Glip room for them.
Andre and Patrick will serve as Regional Coordinators Relations Managers.
Wilco Alsemgeest has been selected as Regional Coordinator for the Netherlands and he’ll work as liaison with the huge network of Joomla! User Group there.
Jeroen Moolenschot has been selected as Regional Coordinator for the Netherlands and he’ll be focused on Joomla! Learning Partners.
Processed applications, without any answer from the applicant, will be rejected automatically after 30 days.
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 75 minutes.
Joomla! Learning Partners
Here’s the list of the first approved JLPs:
Colt Engine Srl - Italy
Polzer Stefan - Austria
MU DOT MY PLT - Malaysia
XL Web AS - Norway
R2H N.V. - The Netherlands
Quabu Solutions SL - Spain
Werk70 - Germany
Pulsar Informatique - France
Asysta Webagentur GmbH - Germany
SCHRIJVERS123.NL - The Netherlands
Octopoos - France
- Cloud Consulting - Botswana