COT - Meeting notes - September 29, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-09-29 13:04 in Certification Operations Team
The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on September 29th 2016 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Patrick Jungbluth, Andre Dreier, Todd Woodward, Oscar Ortiz, Richard van Tilborg, Arjen Schrijvers, Pablo Pantoja.
Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Johan Van der Velde
Discussion Outline
Luca reported news from the last Steering meeting.
After the election process, Luca has been elected as Team Leader for the Certification Team, so he stepped down as Leader of the Certification Operations Team during this meeting.
Steering Meeting reviewed the experience of the JLP certification session held at JoomlaDay Poland, supervised by Richard van Tilborg. He provided a very detailed feedback that allowed Certification Teams to start a discussion about improvements to the Program.
Certification Operations Team voted for a new Team Leader, Patrick has been elected TL for COT.
Patrick suggested Andre as Assistant Team Leader for COT. Team voted in favour.
Luca will remain in COT as JLP Relations Manager.
Marketing Team finished the work on the Welcome Packs. Approved JLPs and JUGs will receive the Welcome Packs during next week.
Luca will talk about the Joomla! Certification Program at Joomla! Festival on October 1st in Milano, Italy.
Approved JLPs will receive a newsletter as welcome message tomorrow.
Upcoming exam sessions at Community events:
JoomlaDay Denver (USA) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (October 1, 2016)
Joomla! World Conference (Canada) with Sarah Watz as Supervisor (November 11, 2016)
Upcoming Exam sessions at Joomla! Learning Partners:
Colt Engine, Italy on October 15, 2016.
Processed applications, without any answer from the applicant, will be rejected automatically after 30 days.
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 65 minutes.