COT - Meeting notes - November 17, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-11-17 14:04 in Certification Operations Team
The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on November 17th, 2016 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Patrick Jungbluth, Oscar Ortiz, Arjen Schrijvers, Richard van Tilborg.
Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Johan Van der Velde, Andre Dreier, Pablo Pantoja, Todd Woodward.
Discussion Outline
Patrick reported news from the last Steering meeting.
Patrick reported also about the two sessions held last weekend at JoomlaDay Italy and Joomla! World Conference.
Team wants to congratulate with all the new Joomla! Certified Administrators.
COT will enroll Regional Coordinators in the next 2 weeks.
Team will work redefining the role of Regional Coordinators that will serve as “bridges” between the Program and the Local Communities.
If you want to be the bridge for JCP and your local community and help us to deploy the Joomla! Certification Program in your area, please apply as Regional Coordinator using the following form:
Andrea Gentil (CMT) and Oscar Ortiz (COT) will help with the Regional Coordinators enrollment.
Team planned the first meeting with all the Regional Coordinators for December 12, 2016.
Certification Team is working on a mid-term Plan, defining goals and strategy for the next year.
Upcoming exam sessions at Community events:
JoomlaDay Austria with Stefanie Thielmann as Supervisor (December 2, 2016)
Upcoming exam sessions at Joomla! Learning Partners:
Pulsar Informatique - France - November 21, 2016
Octopoos - France - November 22, 2016
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 60 minutes.