COT - Meeting notes - February 23, 2017
By Luca Marzo on 2017-02-23 13:30 in Certification Operations Team
The Joomla! Certification Operations Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on February 23, 2017 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Oscar Ortiz, Patrick Jungbluth, Richard van Tilborg, Todd Woodward.
Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Pablo Pantoja, Arjen Schrijvers.
Discussion Outline
Short report from the steering meeting on tuesday.
Team discussed about the Joomla! Board Elections.
Todd will supervise the Exam at JoomlaDay Tampa - Florida this weekend.
Patrick created a “task group” to develop and extension to manage the Workflow of applications for Operations Team.
The extension will reside on GitHub.
Luca to publish the workflow definition in the repository Wiki.
Richard is exploring the opportunity to have Certification Exams at Joomla! World Conference and JandBeyond.
Upcoming exam sessions:
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 30 minutes.