By Luca Marzo on 2017-03-26 10:43 in Certification Operations Team

The Certification Operations Team is responsible to create, maintain and follow the workflow and the processes for the Operations of the Joomla! Certification Program.

In order to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the process management, COT needs a new Joomla! extension to handle the Partners application process.

The workflow extension will receive the application data from Partners and will track each application step, allowing the partner and COT to provide answers and eventually attachments. It will also track the overall status of the application and send automatically email notifications based on such status.

To develop the Workflow Extension, the COT needs your help.

We're looking for several volunteers:

  • PHP/MySQL, MVC Programming / Backend Developer
  • HTML CSS JS / Frontend Developer

Please apply using the form here: and choose "Certification Operations Team".

Looking forward to receive your applications!
