Joomla! Certification Platform Team 9 Nov 2016
By Private Profile 775cf67f on 2016-11-09 11:28 in Certification Platform Team
Attendees: Sam Suresh, Michael Snoeren, Oscar Ortiz, Chris Keen, Luca Marzo
Meeting notes published to the community:
Sam reported news from steering meeting.
Michael's new enhancements on picking users directly from db is pushed to live site.
Sam conducted a webinar to all JLP on how to handle the system. This webinar was recorded and made available for new comers.
Oscar to sync CSS enhancements to certified directory on dev site for review
Sam to setup new exam and make available direct purchase and self enrolment by end users. This will be used in JWC 2016 and Rome. The link to buy exams will be avalaible to public on Thursday onwards.
Sam to work on printable certificates and make available before JWC 2016 exam session.
The platform team members meet every Wednesday 6pm GMT+8.