Certification Steering Meeting - November 15, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-11-15 14:58 in Certification Team
The Joomla! Certification Steering Group meets every Tuesday at 2:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on November 15, 2016 on Glip.
Team members
In attendance: Luca Marzo, Sam Suresh, Patrick Jungbluth, Stefanie Thielman, Richard van Tilborg, Sarah Watz, Michael Snoeren.
Absents: Johan Van der Velde, Arjen Schrijvers.
Discussion Outline
Sarah reported her experience with the Certification at Joomla! World Conference.
Luca and Richard reported their experience with Certification at JoomlaDay Italy.
Marketing Team is working on the website and improving the learning guide.
Richard suggested to build “bridges” between Certification Program and Local Communities, these bridges are represented by Regional Coordinators.
Operations Team will work to enroll Regional Coordinators as soon as possible.
Exam Team is happy with the results of the latest sessions and is working on the maintenance system.
We have 23 Joomla! Learning Partners coming from Germany, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Croatia, Spain, Nigeria, Botswana, Norway, Malaysia and India.
Operations Team brought to Steering the discussion about Exams at JUGs.
Platform Team will provide automatically certificates to Joomla! Learning Partners certifying their status as JLP. Certificates will be issued via the Platform and will have a unique and verifiable serial number.
Meeting ends after 60 minutes.