CMS Release Team Meeting Feb 16, 2022
By Sigrid Gramlinger on 2022-02-22 17:57 in CMS Release Team
Wed, Feb 16, 2021, UTC 19:00
Duration: 1 h 45 minutes
Roland, Harald, Sigrid, Niels, Claudia, Robert, Benjamin, Phil, Stefan, Tobias
1. Release 3.10.6
Nothing, so far. Thanks Tobias!
2. Release 4.1
Fantastic work from the CMS Release Team, nearly no issues and a very smooth release day.
Documentation missing for child template, position of files
Only TinyMCE language issue
Thanks Benjamin!
3. Documentation
General problem with new features → Documentation missing
Idea to discuss: every PR only merged with documentation, will be brought to Prod. Dpt.
Idea video/Screencast for new features in beta release phase → for testers, documentation, marketing
4. Release 4.2
Going to draft an announcement message with preferred features and request for help
Idea: create testing packages which are different for each feature
Lessons learned when testing - where to collect?
5. Release 5.0
I [Niels] learned yesterday at JUG London that this feature list is likely misunderstood. The impression of some people yesterday was that Joomla would be rebuilt in such a way that nothing existing would be usable any more - which is far from true.
We discussed further and want to bring to public information:
- J5 should not break sites on update
- First Major versions (like .0) versions don’t have new features
- Minor versions (like .1) have new features
- Extensions that work in J4 will work in J5
- Deprecations will be removed in J5
- Solutions for deprecations should be provided
6. Release dates
We discussed the release dates in summer - if it has to be August 17. We will stay with this date.
7. Translation coordination
Stefan started coordination.
8. Other business
- Thanks to the CMS Release Team from OSM
- Testing tool with documentation - we will have a look
- Thank you George for Joomla 4.0!
- More members
Next CMS Release team meeting is scheduled for Wed. March 9, 19:00 UTC