By Private Profile 64bdb46e on 2021-01-06 15:39 in Privacy Compliance Team

This meeting of the Joomla! Privacy Compliance Team has been held on Glip on January 6, 2021 at 16:30 CET. 


In attendance: 

  • Donata Stroink-Skillrud
  • Roland Dalmulder

Discussion outline 

  • Donata spoke to Kleanthis about the Incident Response Documentation and shared her comments and concerns about the incomplete status of such documentation. One of the main issues that were discovered is the fact that there are no persons assigned to the roles that are necessary for efficient incident response. Donata contacted Hugh to request information on what persons were assigned to what roles and Hugh said that he will look into this. In addition, it appears that we do not have a CISO, which is a large gap. Hugh will look into this as well. 
  • Roland has implemented Single Sign-On for the backend. Sander will verify that everything is working correctly. Once verification is complete, the Single Sign-On will be rolled out to the IDP and JVP. After that, it will be rolled out to the other properties.
  • Roland and Donata discussed using a third-party tool to scan for cookies instead of relying on the Webmasters Team to notify us of changes. Luca was asked to weigh in on this idea when he is available to do so. 
  • The team also discussed how often the Privacy Policy should be reviewed for accuracy.