Educational Outreach Working Group Meeting - November 20, 2020
By Todd Woodward on 2020-11-20 19:18 in Educational Outreach
Joomla Educational Outreach Working Group
Agenda - November 20, 2020 17:00 UTC
Structure and organization of the resources and tools to include in the hub
Determination of the types of materials
Review the rough outline for the Joomla Student Club and discuss how can help
(Ruchika Nagarkar)
Attendees: Laura Gordon, Chris Keen, Todd Woodward
Apologies: AK Shehu, SD Williams
Time Permitting
Alert other ‘joomla members’ that this area exists?
Information Architecture and Content Strategy for
New Business
Review topics for next meeting
Laura - Suggestion, consider switching this meeting to early December, and have it replace the ‘end of December meeting’
Todd will reach out to the entire team to determine the date for the December Meeting.
Contact with non-active members:
Todd - reached out to attendees that are not actively participating. Only 2 have responded that they could not be active. He hasn’t heard from the others. At this point, we will remove those that are not participating.
Will include a note to anyone that is no longer going to be in the meeting group on, as a thank you for participating, and an open invite to join in the group again.
Review the rough outline for the Joomla Student Club and discuss how can help (Ruchika Nagarkar)
We need to review is this is still something that we can assist on
Todd will reach out to find out what her thoughts are on this
Check for Magazine Article
Didn’t see the article from AK in the November Magazine
December Meeting Thoughts
Structure and organization of the resources and tools to include in the hub
Determination of the types of materials
Alert other ‘joomla members’ that this area exists?
Information Architecture and Content Strategy for
Think about having meetings earlier in the day to open up opportunities for folks in Australia to participate.
Confirm article from SD about group
Can we get individual photos of each member, and include with article?
Laura will look for photo from the Engagement team in Spain, plus we will include photos of the current team members.